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There are 846 articles

  • Aid groups decry blockade on Gaza

    For two-year old Nasma Abu Lasma, the Israeli announcement in June that the blockade on the Gaza Strip would be relaxed offered a ray of hope. Nasma was suffering from leukemia, and the movement restrictions on Palestinians in Gaza that went along with the blockade meant that she had little hope of receiving the necessary permit to leave the beleaguered.. More

  • More than a bribe: Obama surrenders Palestinian rights

    The Middle East policies of US President Barack Obama may well prove the most detrimental in history so far, surpassing even the rightwing policies of President George W. Bush. Even those who warned against the overt optimism which accompanied Obama's arrival to the White House must now be stunned to see how low the US president will go to appease Israel.. More

  • Kabul is no child's playground

    Nato's top civilian spokesperson in Afghanistan has come under fire for playing down the country's level of danger over the weekend. "The children are probably safer here [Kabul] than they would be in London, New York or Glasgow or many other cities," Mark Sedwill told CBBC Newsround, the televised news program for youngsters. "Here.. More

  • US Marines shrug off Afghan anger at civilians killings

    As Taliban leadership admonish their fighters to avoid civilian deaths, locals in the Sangin District of Afghanistan’s Helmand Province are increasingly angry, complaining that the US Marines who recently took over the district have been regularly killing the civilians and refusing to investigate. The US took over the district in September from.. More

  • Israeli soldiers walk free in Gaza human shield case

    Two Israeli soldiers received suspended sentences and demotions on Sunday for using a Palestinian child as a human shield during the 2008-2009 Gaza war, an army spokeswoman said. The soldiers were convicted on October 3 for forcing a nine-year-old boy to search bags believed to be booby-trapped during Israel's 22-day war on Gaza which erupted in December.. More

  • NATO in Afghanistan: '2015 and beyond'

    Having dispensed of any pretense that the military is going to start withdrawing in July, NATO officials are now painting for the public a picture of what the Afghan War is going to look like in 2015, 14 years after the occupation began. The answer, of course, is that so far as anyone in NATO is concerned the war in 2015 will look much the same as.. More

  • US Military destroying hundreds of civilian homes in Kandahar

    The Obama Administration made much of the Kandahar offensive’s success hinging on winning hearts and minds to the side of the occupation forces. As usual this goal is falling by the wayside as the military actually arrives on the scene, as civilians in the Zhari District are up in arms at the military’s actions. The district has been seen.. More

  • From Balfour to Obama

    On November 2, 1917, Lord Arthur Balfour, the then British foreign secretary, promised to create a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. Known as the Balfour Declaration, the document became the first stepping stone towards the 1948 establishment of the state of Israel. Palestine was still under Ottoman rule when it was written. But Britain and its allies.. More

  • UN: Mass rapes on Angola-DRC border

    More than 650 women and girls have been raped during mass expulsions from Angola to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the past two months, according to a body of the United Nations. Many of the victims said they were locked up and tortured for several weeks while they were raped repeatedly by security forces. The report by the UN Children's.. More

  • Rights groups: Israel abused Palestinian detainees

    Israel's internal security service violated the human rights of Palestinian detainees, two leading Israeli rights groups said in a report issued Tuesday. The report said the Palestinians are held in cramped, filthy cells, some with no windows and lighting that disrupts sleep. It said security agents bind detainees to chairs during lengthy interrogations.. More

  • UK troops face 90 new claims of abuse in Iraq

    A specialist team appointed by the government to investigate claims of abuse by British troops in Iraq has received 90 complaints involving 128 Iraqi civilians. The files, relating to allegations between March 2003 and July 2009, have been sent to Geoff White, a former head of Staffordshire CID, who heads the Iraq historic allegations team. The unit,.. More

  • Report slams Pakistan drone strikes

    New information on the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) campaign of drone strikes in northwest Pakistan directly contradicts the image the Barack Obama administration and the CIA have sought to establish in the news media of a program based on highly accurate targeting that is effective in 'disrupting al-Qaeda's plots' against the United States. A.. More

  • Iraq files reveal checkpoint deaths

    In September 2007, an Iraqi in a car ventured too close to a US patrol in Baghdad. The soldiers honked their horns; when that didn't cause the car to turn away, one of the gunners fired a warning shot. The bullet - intended to harmlessly hit the pavement - instead hit a bystander. Gunner fires one warning shot from his M4. The bullet ricochets and.. More

  • Forced abortions for Chinese women

    China's one-child policy leads to an estimated 13 million reported abortions every year, with many of those ordered by the authorities enforcing the system. Al Jazeera's Melissa Chan gained access to a hospital in the southeastern city of Xiamen, where she found one mother in a terrible condition. Xiao Ai Ying was forced to have an abortion eight.. More

  • Israel 'declares war on its people'

    You could easily miss the thin, gravel road that leads to Al Arakib, a Bedouin village in the north Negev. It is a bit ironic, given the enormity of the struggle there and its deep implications for the Jewish state. Israeli forces have razed the village five times since late July, sparking cries of ethnic cleansing and leaving more than 300 Bedouin.. More