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There are 782 articles

  • Using Food for Cosmetic Purposes

    Allah The Almighty has created man in the best shape and form; He says (what means): {He Created the heavens and earth in truth and Formed you and perfected your forms; and to Him is the [final] destination.} [Quran 64:3] {Who Created you, Proportioned you, and Balanced you?} [Quran 82:7] Allah The Exalted created everything.. More

  • The Real Gift

    Islam has legislated the giving of the dower by the husband to the wife in order to please the woman’s heart and to honour her. It is also meant to bring an end to what was done in the Days of Ignorance wherein she was wronged, exploited, despised and robbed of her wealth. The dower is a right exclusively for the wife. It is her possession and.. More

  • The Islamic marriage contract

    Marriage in Islam is based on a contract between a man and woman intending to be unified in marriage. Thus, as in any contract in Islam, there are elements which are considered essential to its existence, called 'pillars', as well as the possibility of stipulations of different kinds, legal effects of the contract, etc. Each of these must be understood.. More


    Beside its delicious taste, it's easy to make, either with meat or by just using meat broth. The color of the rice deepened on the amount of the onion. Recipe (Ingredients): • 21/2 cups basmati rice•medium onion (chopped or sliced) •1 tsp cumin seeds • tsp.. More

  • PAKORAI (vegetable dumpling):

    This side dish is well-known in India and Pakistan. It's a simple dish and easy to prepare. It is usually made with potato, but you can substitute that with eggplant, zucchini, or onions. Recipe (Ingredients): • I cup besan (gram flour) • 1 cup water • l tsp baking.. More

  • Experiences of a Recently Converted Hindu Woman

    "My Experiences and How I Find that Islam does not Oppress Women" by Sister Noor, University of Essex I came from a purely Hindu family where we were always taught to regard ourselves (i.e. women) as beings who were eventually to be married off and have children and serve the husband-- whether he was kind or not. Other than this I found.. More

  • Lara

    In the Name of Allah, most Compassionate, most Merciful Becoming Muslim Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem DISCOVERING ISLAM: A CANADIAN MUSLIMA'S STORY April 25, 1996 As-Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmahtullahi wa Barakatu (May the peace, the mercy, and the blessings of Allah be upon you). I am Canadian-born of Scandinavian and other ancestry, and I was.. More

  • Michelle

    As-salaamu-alaikum, I come from a Jewish family in New York. My mother was from S. A. but also Jewish. She never was comfortable with anyone knowing that. When my father died, she remarried a Catholic and became one herself. And that is how she brought us up. From the age of 5 I was told that Jesus was also God...? I never felt comfortable with it... More

  • My Journey to Islam

    Aisha Bhutta The Guardian Newspaper, England Thursday 8th May 1997 A Woman on a Mission -------------------------------- Aisha Bhutta, also known as Debbie Rogers, is serene. She sits on the sofa in big front room of her tenement flat in Cowcaddens, Glasgow. The walls are hung with quotations from the Koran, a special clock to remind the family.. More

  • Jenny's Testimony

    Melbourne, Australia In the Name of Allah, The Benificent, The Merciful October, 1998 Often when people ask me ‘How did you come to Islam?’, I take a deep breath and try and tell them the ‘short version’. I don’t think that Islam is something that I came to suddenly, even though it felt like it at the time, but it.. More

  • Rita, Canada

    God works in mysterious ways I suppose we have all heard stories of converts before. They are, praise be to God, becoming very common, and growing in their number every day. But still, I can never forget how it feels to know that another human being whom you know personally has chosen to accept Islam. I do not wish to embarrass my friend, so I will.. More

  • Sister Penomee (Dr. Kari Ann Owen, Ph.D.)

    July 4, 1997. Assalaamu alaykum, beloved family. "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammed, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is his messenger." These are the words of the Shahadah oath, I believe. The Creator is known by many names. His wisdom is always recognizable, and his presence made manifest in the love, tolerance and compassion.. More

  • Mrs. Amina Mosler (Germany)

    One day, in the year 1928, my son with tears in his eyes said: `I do not want to remain a Christian any longer; I want to be a Muslim; and you, too, my mother, should join this new faith with me.' That was the first time I felt that I had to link myself with Islam. Years passed before I came in contact with the Imam of the Berlin Mosque, who introduced.. More

  • Rehana reverts to Islam

    My first realization about the Christian idea of salvation came after I was baptized into a Southern Baptist church at a young age. I was taught in Sunday School that "if you aren't baptized, then you are going to hell". My own baptism had taken place because I wanted to please people. My mom had come into my room one evening and I asked her.. More

  • Khadija Watson's Journey of Faith

    She is an American from California. Her card gives you some clue: "Khadija Watson, ex-professor of theology." She has a BA and an MA in theology. She was an ordained, licensed minister, a Christian missionary who spent seven years preaching in the Philippines. That was six years ago. Today she is a Muslim and a teacher at Al-Hamra Islamic.. More