1. Women
  2. Social Concerns

There are 92 articles

  • And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy

    After having children and experiencing the suffering of motherhood and its responsibilities, I realized how my mother suffered in raising me and my brothers and sisters. I felt that I could never fulfill her right of being dutiful and thankful to her no matter what I do. Many women repeat this statement verbally or they may repeat it inwardly while.. More

  • Obligation towards her Lord

    Consciousness of Allah Nothing gives a clearer idea of that consciousness and fear of Allah at all times than the following story of the young Muslim girl that was narrated by ‘Abdullaah ibn Zayd ibn Aslam, may Allah be pleased with him, from his father, from his grandfather, who said: "When I was accompanying `Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, may.. More

  • Looking into the life of working women

    The woman who stays at home is the woman who has a real full-time job to do. This is a fact that must not be forgotten. It should not be forgotten either that society needs some women to do certain specialized jobs, such as teaching. However, I will mention three important facts in order to prove that working women have their advantages and disadvantages. .. More

  • The empowerment of women, but at what price?

    It is odd for a Muslim to see the workings of humans against their very own nature. The most evident example of this is demonstrated in the ongoing world movement to “Empower Women." The movement has been gaining momentum and is being endorsed and promoted by various international organizations, particularly the United Nations. Both the United.. More

  • Women's Issues between westernization and Islam

    Woman's issues and the internationalization of values Since the beginning of Amin's call, a century has passed during which the Western and Islamic worlds achieved extensive progress throughout the course of social, cultural and intellectual transformations. The interval between what was known as the call to liberate the Muslim woman in the past and.. More

  • Evil consequences of intermixing between the sexes

    Intermixing between men and women is an extremely dangerous issue and a widespread evil. The evil and harm that afflicts societies that mix freely are the best proof of this. Hence, the opinion that comes after an experience and suffering is of great significance as it is preceded by experiencing both the consequences and the results - whether negative.. More

  • Western women and marriage

    I am a psychiatrist and my job allows me to see the other face of our societies and mix with different types of people - both men and women. The nature of those who work in specializations such as mine necessitates caring for people’s problems. One of us may be walking down the street and notice things that passers by do not take notice of. I.. More

  • How Islam Protected the Rights of Woman - III

    42- Islam protects the rights of the woman with regards to her health as it exempts her from fasting if she is breast-feeding or pregnant. 43- Islam protects the right of the woman in her bequest in the sense that she has the right to make a bequest of what she leaves after her death as shown in the statement of Allah The Almighty (which means): {After.. More

  • Liberation or deception?

    When Islam came, women were in a humiliated state; they led a painful, wretched life with no rights and obligations that surpassed their abilities.A woman would spend her entire life, from her cradle to the grave, in misery and suffering. If she happened to escape being a victim of female infanticide, as was the custom of the times, her life ahead was.. More

  • Outcome of Women’s Work Outside the Home

    Those who advocate women’s work outside the home support their calls with the economic benefit of woman’s work outside the home and its effect on raising national productivity. They usually mock the societies, which they label as backward, where the woman remains in her home. If we avoid accusations and disputes and use subjective research,.. More

  • A woman's femininity

    Islam appreciates the woman’s femininity Woman is an integral part of man because of her femininity, just as he is an integral part of her. The man and woman are neither opponents nor rivals. Rather, they help each other to attain perfection with regard to their personality and gender. The norms that have been set by Allah The Almighty imply.. More

  • Women's Rights of Inheritance in Islam - II

    Despite all the rights that are granted by the Islamic Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) to women in all fields of life and despite the fact that most of these rights were not granted to women all over the world except after great efforts exerted globally, many of those who are prejudiced against Islam use the rule of inheritance “for the.. More

  • Women's Rights of Inheritance in Islam - I

    In the pre-Islamic civilizations, women were denied any right to inheritance, so that money and property would not be transferred to her from her husband.Only mature, elder sons were entitled to inheritance, since they were the ones who foughtand defended their tribe in times of war. In the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation), the issues of inheritance.. More

  • A Final Comparison and Contrast - II

    Some Jewish sects placed the girl in the rank of the slave, whose father had the right to sell her due to her being legally incompetent. She had no right to inherit in the presence of a brother more than what had been given to her as a gift from her father during his lifetime, for inheritance was the right of the male only. However, when a girl was.. More

  • A Final Comparison and Contrast - I

    Compare all the honor given to the woman in Islam to the statements of the Bible and the opinions of the Christian popes and philosophers about her. The angel of the Lord insults the woman and calls her evil: "Then a round lead cover was raised up, revealing a woman sitting inside the basket. He then said, “This woman represents wickedness,”.. More