1. Women
  2. Family in Ramadan

There are 44 articles

  • How parents can help children understand fasting

    At a young age in our lives, we are taught by teachers, parents, and elders how to live a good life following the guidance of Islam, its rules and principles. As children, we tend to listen to our elders and follow their example not really knowing the importance and benefit of each action we take. Unfortunately, not many parents realize this fact. Parents.. More

  • Ramadan's three-dimensional training

    Before a marathon runner competes in the Olympics, he undergoes years of intense training—both physical and mental [2D- two-dimensional]. He must maintain a healthy diet and exercise to make sure his body is fit. He must also become mentally prepared to ward off all sense of fatigue and failure during the race. After every practice, his sport.. More

  • Sharing Ramadan with your neighbors

    The Arch-Angel Gabriel so emphasized the rights of neigh­bors on Muslims and their duty to be good to them with such urgency that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, thought Allah would next command that—Muslim or non-Muslim—they be made beneficiaries in the wills of the Muslims they lived near. Caring for, calling upon,.. More

  • Get past the fast: the real reason for Ramadan rebellion

    As parents, we often worry about our children, and we want the very best for them—in this life and most importantly, we want the best for them in the Hereafter. We wonder if they will end up making the right decisions, if they will choose to fast in Ramadan and act on their good intentions and avoid sins. We supplicate that they will truly observe.. More

  • Readying children for Ramadan

    There's nothing like that feeling of anticipation in the weeks before Ramadan. My heart flitters ceaselessly somewhere between agony and ecstasy at what I hope to put forth and what that blessed month may bring. This pre-Ramadan excitement is an essential ingredient for a productive, meaningful Ramadan and it can never begin too early. In fact, it must.. More

  • Teaching a Ramadan class at your childs’s school

    We know that Ramadan provides us with boundless opportunities to gain endless rewards, be it through feeding the poor, refraining from sinful vices, or spending long nights in prayer. But we can reap even greater returns by helping our communities at large understand why Ramadan is special to Muslims and how we make that "specialness" count.. More

  • To the Spouses in Ramadan

    The month of Ramadan, with its special fragrance and beautiful meanings, comes to endow more brightness upon the marital life. It wipes out discord between the spouses and relieves them of the concerns and hardships of life, when their hearts draw close and they enjoy a high spiritual state. They emerge from this month with more love, affection and.. More

  • What does Ramadan mean to our children?

    What does Ramadan mean to our children? What wonderful benefits do our children get from Ramadan? Like sponges they may only be listening to the long list of "exciting" foods we are going to cook and whom we are going to invite. Sending greeting cards and e-mail invitations. Of course on the top of the list is "What am I going to.. More

  • Ramadan the training

    The whole Ummah looks forward to the New Moon, To the new month, to the new month of Ramadan. Allah then clamps down on the devil; clamps down the massive chains, Locked airtight, for Shaytaan (Satan) they contain. Peace emanates from the black hearts and strips off the ink which soaks it, It permeates through the lungs as we breath, And makes.. More

  • Muslims in Ramadan: How they are and How they should be

    When one reflects on the situation of the Muslims nowadays, he will find that the characteristics of many of them are contrary to what a Muslim should possess. The follow is an attempt to highlight the bitter reality of many of the Muslims during Ramadan. For many Muslims, the act of worship has become a habit. Many of them pray habitually,.. More

  • The Fasting Person and the Siwaak and Kohl

    It was narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "Had it not been for the fact that I would put my Ummah (nation) to trouble, I would have commanded them to use the Siwaak (teeth-cleansing stick) before everyprayer." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] It was.. More

  • A Fasting Child

    In the living room of a simple and beautiful house, Khaalid was absorbed in play with his brother ‘Amr while their mother was in the kitchen preparing lunch. Suddenly, the sound of the Athaan (call to prayer) was raised from the neighboring mosque declaring “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest)”... More

  • Accustom Your Child to Generosity in Ramadan

    He was a Muslim ruler during the Umayyad reign. He was exposed to vicissitudes of his time and was put in prison. However, some time later, he managed to flee from prison. While he and his slave were walking in the vast desert, they met a shepherd having some sheep. Yazeed said to his slave, "Ask the shepherd to provide us with some of that milk.".. More

  • My Child and Fasting

    Dear parent, you should be aware of the fact that Ramadan is a good chance to train your child to observe fasting which teaches him patience, strong will and elevates worship in his sight. Let’s start with fasting because it is the chief aim of this blessed month. We are going to deal with the upbringing of our children and get them accustomed.. More