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There are 2024 articles

  • Israeli police conduct 'ID card raids' inside Israel, arrest 208 Palestinians

    Over the weekend, Israeli border police conducted a number of raids on living quarters and workplaces inside Israel, checking ID cards and looking for Palestinians from the West Bank who were in "Israel" without a permit. 208 Palestinians were arrested in the raids, and sent back to the West Bank. Palestinians are not allowed inside Israel.. More

  • Israeli use of phosphorus 'a crime'

    A report by an international rights group has said that Israel's use of white phosphorus during its recent offensive on the Gaza Strip is evidence of war crimes. Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Wednesday that the munitions were fired indiscriminately and over densely populated areas during the 23-day war, leading to many casualties. "In Gaza,.. More

  • Hundreds kidnapped in Gambian "witch hunts"

    Hundreds of people have been kidnapped in Gambian witch hunts and taken to detention centers where they were forced to drink hallucinogenic concoctions, Amnesty International said. Eye witnesses and victims told the rights group that those involved in rounding up victims were "accompanied by police army and national intelligence agents,".. More

  • Final figures of Israeli attacks on Gaza, 1434 killed

    Confirmed figures reveal the true extent of the destruction inflicted upon the Gaza Strip by Israel’s offensive: 1,434 dead, including 960 civilians, 239 police officers, and 235 fighters. The Israeli offensive launched on the Gaza Strip between 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009 resulted in extensive death, injury and destruction throughout.. More

  • Pakistan's long march to stability

    Massive shipping containers are being hoisted into place to prevent a popular procession that is travelling from all over Pakistan to Islamabad, the capital, in support of Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry, the sacked chief justice. These corrugated steel structures, often used in the high seas, are now part of a number of measures in the government's land.. More

  • Israeli airstrikes continue to haunt Gaza children

    Steve Matthews, an aid worker with World Vision Canada, has been to some of the world's most violent and troubled regions, including Darfur, Afghanistan, and Iraq. But even after years in the field, Matthews still has difficulty comprehending the devastating affects of war on children. In February, he returned from Gaza, where he had spent a month.. More

  • 'Conspiracies against Sudan'

    The arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Omar al-Bashir, the president of Sudan, could tear the country apart, Middle East experts have warned. In 2006, Khartoum and the Darfur rebel groups began negotiating a resolution – the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) - to end the conflict. Badri Shafai, an Egyptian expert.. More

  • Mutiny reveals Bangladesh chaos

    The mutiny by Bangladesh's border security forces in the capital Dhaka has brought back the specter of violence that has marked the country's recent political history. That the army had to be called out to quell the uprising just weeks after December's election is an important reminder that the country's political situation remains complex and fragile.. More

  • Advice to women regarding marriage – I

    Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “If a man whose religious commitment and moral conduct you approve of proposes for marriage to your daughter, then marry her to him; otherwise, trials will prevail and great corruption will spread upon the earth.” [At-Tirmithi.. More

  • Advice to women regarding marriage – II

    What to do upon receiving a proposal: The young woman should pray Istikhaarah (i.e., the Prayer of Guidance) and not to ask others to pray it on her behalf, as some women do, as this is a baseless act and an innovation in the religion. Furthermore, she should seek the advice of trustworthy people and inquire about the person. Imaam Ahmad, may Allah.. More

  • Somalia at a crossroads

    Recent developments in Somalia appear to suggest that the country may be on the verge of reaching an end to two decades of war, displacement and hunger. Somalis were first given hope when Ethiopian forces, who invaded Somalia in late 2006, began withdrawing in 2008. This was quickly followed by the surprise resignation of Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, the.. More

  • The Islamophobia machine, a new growth industry (part 1 of 2)

    By: Dr Mohamed Elmasry Just as some Jews betrayed their co-religionists by aiding the Nazi propaganda machine before and during WWII, today there are Muslims just as eagerly and effectively helping the Islamophobia industry to stereotype and marginalize their brothers and sisters of the faith. These Muslims are very much appreciated and.. More

  • Investigating Gaza's war crimes

    The correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin visited the village of Khuza'a where residents and human rights experts believe a possible war crime took place during Israel's offensive on the Gaza Strip. A photograph of her recent pilgrimage to Mecca is now all that remains of Rawhiyya al Najar. The mother was a Gaza native who had lived her entire life through.. More

  • The Islamophobia machine, a new growth industry (part 2 of 2)

    By:Dr. Mohamed Elmasry One of Europe’s Islamophobia industry leaders is Matthias Kuentzel, a political scientist in Hamburg, Germany, of whom his U.S. promoters say: "Since 2004, he has been a research associate at the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism (SICSA) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2006,.. More

  • Israel engaged in covert war inside Iran

    Israel is involved in a covert war of sabotage inside Iran in an effort to delay Tehran's attempts to develop a nuclearweapon, the Daily Telegraph newspaper reported on Tuesday. Quoting intelligence experts and an unnamed former CIA agent, the newspaper said Israel's "decapitation" strategy had targeted members of Iran's atomic program, hoping.. More