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There are 2024 articles

  • Etiquettes related to debt and loaning – II

    Repaying in the best manner: The debtor should repay in the best manner. Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: “A harsh Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allah  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) asking him to repay a young camel he  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) had borrowed from this Bedouin. The Bedouin used harsh words when.. More

  • Dangers of smoking

    Many people are afflicted with the habit of consuming this poison, which wastes their money, ruins their health and weakens their bodies. There is another, more evil, consequence that smoking has, which is materialised in those who smoke having an evil end. A smoker was on his deathbed, and his brother came to him and urged him to utter the two testimonies.. More

  • Domestic violence against women in the West – II

    England: · 1 in 4 women may experience violence in their relationships with men (Women's Aid Federation [England] report, 1992) · Severe, repeated and systematic violence occurs in at least 5 of every hundred marriages in Britain;Between 40 and 45% of murdered women are killed by their male partners; Between 1 of every 2 women are murdered.. More

  • Domestic violence against women in the West – I

    Where does the western woman stand in scale of humanity and who represents her? Are they represented by the artificial ladies of Hollywood who appear on the TV screens, who are suppressed by the massive work load and by men? When comparing two different cultures, can a real study be made in order to compare between.. More

  • Children’s Lying - I

    Outline: • The role of the family in teaching the child how to lie. • The role of the community in teaching the child how to lie. • The types of lying: 1) Lying due to imagination. 2) Lying due to misconception. 3) Lying by making false claims. 4) Lying to achieve a goal. 5) Lying to take revenge. 6) Lying as a protective measure. 7).. More

  • Children’s Lying - II

    The most common type of lie: Surveys show that the most common type of lie amongst children is the one used as a protective measure, with seventy percent (70%) of the children who lie doing it, while ten percent (10%) do it due to misconceptions and twenty percent (20%) due to revenge. The cure: Lying is a characteristic that a child gains and learns.. More

  • Etiquettes of dialogue and speech -III

    · Not revealing the secrets of the gathering: If the person to whom one is speaking to clearly requests him not to reveal what took place in the gathering, or even hints at this, then it is binding upon him to honor the request, unless doing so entails harm being afflicted upon other Muslims, in which case one must inform the concerned.. More

  • Etiquettes of dialogue and speech -II

    · Having sincerity: Some people speak in order to display their knowledge of a certain topic, or show their eloquence. Others hate anyone except themselves speaking in a gathering. Such insincerity does not of course include teaching those who have only a rudimentary understanding of Islam, or to enjoin good and forbid evil. · Using comprehensible.. More

  • Bad relationships with Mothers in-law -I

    We often hear of problems that occur between women and their mothers in-law. The common conception among the masses is that the mother in-law is an evil person. Regardless of what she may do, or how kind she may be to her daughter in-law, her description remains as such -especially in the view of the daughter in-law. Many daughters in-law have forgotten.. More

  • Bad relationships with Mothers in-law -II

    We must feel for the mother in-law: Some mothers in-law have an unintended and uncontrollable feeling of rejection and resentment towards their daughters in-law. This could be caused by one of the following three reasons: First: The eldest son is a source of compassion and love which mothers benefit from, especially at old age; therefore, they would.. More

  • The problem of lust (a dad-son dialogue) – III

    Son: Dad, were there more things that help increase one’s faith? Dad: One has to remember that he will stand before Allah on the Day of Reckoning when all secrets are disclosed. Nothing will be hidden from Him, and the mouths of the disbelievers will be sealed and their limbs will testify against them. Allah Aays (what means): “Until,.. More

  • The problem of lust (a dad-son dialogue) – II

    Son: What are the most dangerous of such temptations? Dad: On top of such temptations is looking boldly at a woman as an object of sexual desire. This serves as a stimulus that may lead to an unlawful response. Also, it is the first step towards major sins. Allah warns us against such a forbidden look; He Almighty Says (what means): “Tell.. More

  • The problem of lust (a dad-son dialogue) – I

    According to the teachings Islam, the desires and lusts play a vital part in the makeup of every human being; they cannot be ignored. Humans, unlike the angels, have to face the challenge in this life of mastering these forces within us. If we fail to do so, then we become enslaved by our desires and thus fall below the level of the animal kingdom. The.. More

  • Entering the marital bond – IV :The wedding night

    For a woman, the wedding day is one of the happiest and most exciting days of her life. The preparations, the guests and the festivities are all in anticipation of this very special event. At the same time, many women also experience a great deal of apprehension and anxiety, particularly as the wedding night approaches. Many are concerned about.. More

  • Employment concerns for working Muslim women – II: Working from home (a solution)

    For single and married sisters who must work due to financial need, this presents a perplexing dilemma on one hand the true economic need is there, on another the tremendous temptation and tribulation. These hardships have led some sisters in dire straitsto turn to their local mosques for financial aid or in humiliation to the welfare system; in most.. More