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There are 2032 articles

  • Malicious Allegations Against the Hijab - III

    Someone may say, "Wearing the Hijab (Islamic covering) approved by the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) while satisfying all its conditions in those countries where women do not wear the Hijab in this manner, or do not wear it at all, features seeking fame and this is disapproved under Sharee‘ah." Refutation: The essential reason.. More

  • Malicious Allegations Against Hijab – II

    The third allegation: A woman may say, "I am embarrassed to wear the Sharee‘ah-approved Hijab (wearing an outer garment which descends from above the head to cover the whole body including the face and other parts of the body)." It should be said to such a woman: when the non-observant people boast of their acts of disobedience and.. More

  • Malicious Allegations Against Hijab – I

    It is well known that the struggle between mankind and the devil is an old one, which will continue until Allah The Almighty inherits the earth and everything on it. The devil exploits man's weaknesses and uses them in enticing him, inspiring impermissible hopes and wishes in him and whispering to him until man finally responds to him and does what.. More

  • Rewards and Benefits of Virtuous Deeds in the Quran and Sunnah

    The Quran speaks about performing virtuous deeds as well as their reward and effect on the community in many verses: • It is a sign of success, Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {“O you who have believed! Bow down, and prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord and do good, that you may be successful.”} [Quran, 24: 77] • Allah.. More

  • Sa'ad Ibn Abi Waqqaas

    We are now in a small town in a narrow valley. There is no vegetation, no livestock, no gardens, and no rivers. Desert after desert separates the town from the rest of the world. During the day, the heat of the sun is unbearable and the nights are still and lonely. Tribes flock to it like animals in the open country flock to a waterhole. No government.. More

  • The Vast Mercy of Allah The Almighty - I

    Mercy is one of the attributes of Allah The Almighty. It is from the mercy of Allah The Almighty that calamities and trials expiate one's sins, and a believer is rewarded for showing patience through these calamities. Another aspect that manifests the mercy of Allah The Almighty is that He conceals our sins and faults in this life and forgives them.. More

  • The Dilemma of Ill Thoughts

    The disease of ill thoughts is one of the most fatal diseases that can destroy individuals and communities. Once it becomes deep-rooted in the soul of a person, it destroys all ties of intimacy and affection, and it incites hatred and resentment. Some people, whose hearts are morally diseased, only look at others through dark glasses. For them, all.. More

  • Benefits of Seeking Forgiveness

    Do you want to have peace of mind, reassurance, and joy? You should ask for the forgiveness of Allah, The Almighty. Allah, The Almighty, Says (what means): {And [saying], "Seek Forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him, [and] He Will Let you enjoy a good provision} [Quran 11: 3] Do you want to have a strong body and be healthy, and be free.. More

  • Maintaining the ties of kinship

    Verses of the Noble Quran and various Hadeeth of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, call strongly for the upholding of kinship ties and encourage this by offering worldly and religious rewards. There is no doubt that a society whose members maintain family relations and treat each other mercifully forms an invincible fort and a fortified.. More

  • Damage and Damages

    Allah, The Most High, has prohibited usurping other people's property and has imposed liability for whatever is damaged of the property taken without right even if it was by mistake. Whoever damages another person's property - that is considerable - without its owner's permission, is financially liable to make up for it. Imam Al-Muwaffaq, may Allah.. More

  • Do not waste your time!

    Both the Quran and the Sunnah emphasize the importance of time in the life of a Muslim. Allah swears at the beginning of many Soorahs (Chapters) by time or moments in time, for example, Allah Says (what means): “By the dawn and the ten nights (i.e. the first ten days of the month of Thul-Hijjah)...” [Quran 89: 1-2] Allah also Says (what.. More

  • A Ramadan Resolution

    The best thing about the month of Ramadan is that it is a time of purification. I hope that you will agree with me that certain issues must be dealt with head on, and that it makes good sense, sometimes, to talk and listen to one another in a way that shows that we have the courage to stand our ground no matter how hard the consequences may be. Ramadan.. More

  • Spurned, hopeless and attacked, refugees' drama goes on

    By the thousands they came, fleeing bombs, brutality and hardship. At day, they tore through muddy fields; at night, they huddled around small fires. Young and old, they passed through barbed wire, crammed inside trucks and braved rough seas in flimsy boats. Along the way, they saw loved ones - wives and husbands, daughters and sons - perish. With.. More

  • Abu Bakr Ar-Raazi: the Father of Arab Medicine

    He was a unique encyclopedic scientist. He is considered as one of the greatest physicians in Islamic culture, and one of the earliest Arab physicians. He was also one of the founders of modern chemistry. He was well-versed in all branches of knowledge and he made significant scientific contributions to medicine, chemistry, mathematics, literature,.. More

  • Three Steps to a Happy Life

    Happiness is the universal goal of people from all walks of life – be they philosophers of a high intellectual caliber or unlettered laborers -- everyone strives in search of happiness and looks for ways to escape the worries of life. However, most people achieve only partial or superficial happiness, which provides temporary relief from their.. More