


There are 782 articles

  • The Effect of Sins on Eliminating Blessings and Bringing Afflictions

    Anyone who contemplates and thinks deeply about why blessings are withdrawn and afflictions and curses are brought about will certainly realize their causes. Disbelieving in Allah The Almighty and committing numerous sins and crimes as well as being far from the path of Allah The Almighty and being an enemy to His allies and Prophets, may Allah exalt.. More

  • Excellent Ideas on How to Make Use of Long Vacations

    "Those who appreciate the value of time are the ones who make great achievements in their personal and professional life. Such people realize that time is too short to achieve everything that they want. On the other hand, the people who do not pay much attention to achievements consider that time is of low value.” [Time Management by Ahmad.. More

  • A Moment of Truth

    This is an excerpt from a conversation with one particular Muslim sister, but it could be a conversation with any of the numerous Muslim sisters who think along similar lines. We need a moment of truthfulness, not with ourselves, but with Allah The Almighty, Who is the Provider, Creator, The One Who created us and perfected our form, Who knows all.. More

  • Helping yourself help others

    SALMA SANWARI Most Muslim women understand the meaning of the Hollywood-popularized saying, “Pay it forward,” doing kindness to others in need because someone did good to you when you were in straits. Long before Benjamin Franklin explained the concept to Benjamin Webb in an April 1784 letter, apparently having given him a no-pay loan,.. More

  • A woman’s financial resources in Islam

    As the title’s specific nature indicates, in writing about a woman’s financial resources, I must not be vague, for every source is substantiated by evidence from the Quran, which Allah The Almighty described, as Saying (what means): "Falsehood cannot approach it from before it or from behind it; [it is] a revelation from [a Lord Who.. More

  • It’s about time

    BY NASIHA AHMED Since the beginning of time, someone else has been controlling your time, or rather your timeliness. When we were younger, our parents determined when we got to school and how early or late we were.They helped us to dress and get ready and we were under their control. Then, as we got older, we gained some of our own independence, but.. More

  • A ‘New Look’ for the Spirit

    ‘New look’ is a widespread term today. It is mainly concerned with the outward appearance and how to change it. However, it seldom refers to deeds and actions which enable both the woman and the man to create a new look for their lives by viewing life from a new perspective. Renewing the appearance is desirable and important; however,.. More

  • Decisiveness regarding violating the Sharee‘ah

    Islam came to address the entire world and this means that it is open to everyone to embrace. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.} [Quran 21:107] As a result of that openness, which is characteristic of the Islamic religion, many aspects from the East and West might infiltrate.. More

  • Umm Kalthoom bint 'Uqbah

    She, may Allah be pleased with her, was one of the female companions who migrated from Makkah to Madeenah. She embraced Islam in Makkah, and gave the pledge of obedience to the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. However, she, may Allah be pleased with her, was not able to migrate until the seventh year (7 AH). She, may Allah be pleased with her,.. More

  • The value of righteous woman

    Do you undervalue yourself, your role as a mom or your role in society? Most women do, but should not. The role of the Muslim woman is more than just someone who wears a scarf: she is the role model, the first teacher for children, and she is the religious guide for our Ummah (nation). There are reports that at one time in history a disbelieving.. More

  • Compatibility between Spouses - II

    What does it mean? Islam did not stipulate freedom as a condition for the validity of marriage, as evident from the following instances of marriage: · Zayd ibn Haarithah, may Allah be pleased with him, married Zaynab bint Jahsh, may Allah be pleased with her · Usaamah bin Zaid, may Allah be pleased with him, married Faatimah bint Qays,.. More

  • Compatibility between Spouses – I

    What does it mean? Compatibility amounts to equality and similarity. In a Hadeeth (Prophetic narration), the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "Muslims are equal in their inviolability of life." [Abu Daawood] Compatibility in marriage means equality and closeness between the spouses in terms of religiosity and morality,.. More

  • The Second Wife

    The mysteries of the human self is an ambiguous world that only Allah The Exalted knows the essence of. This self varies from one person to another, and even a single human self is in itself subjected to changes from time to time. It is also influenced by new things, whether feelings or opinions, which change its state. All this is contingent on the.. More

  • Polygny: The Sharee‘ah Perspective and Reality

    A French historian believes that the West should legalize polygny in order to solve its moral problems. Indonesian women demand the legalization of polygny in order to prevent their husbands from having extramarital affairs.Egyptian women consider polygny to be the answer to the problem of unmarried women. Tunisian law prohibits polygny and permits.. More

  • Resolving Marital Conflicts: Strategies and Solutions

    What is the best solution when a married couple faces marital problems and conflicts? Contrary to popular practice, divorce or threatening a spouse with divorce is not the right solution. The best solution is patience, endurance and realizing that it is natural for differences to arise between married people. It is also necessary for each spouse.. More