Praying behind a tough unmarried Imaam
Fatwa No: 105340


Can we pray behind an Imam who refuses to fulfill a very big Sunnat of Nikah? Who has never married, nor has any desire of getting a wife? Who lives like a celebate monk? He daily refuses to stand in the mehrab, and deliberately stands on the left side of the Masjid, at least 2-3 meters away? He also insists on leading even though people do not like praying behind him? He deprives people of the use of the basic facilities of the Masjid like the kitchen, library, janazah room, guest rooms, disable toilet/bathroom and other praying areas? He unnecessarily locks the Masjid so people like taxi drivers cannot come & pray? He refuses to let people use the fans even on a very hot day? He switches off the water coolers in hot summer & hand dryers in winter, saying it takes too much power? He refuses to let peolple lie down or simply rest in the afternoons? He makes it difficult for the ladies to come & pray in the masjid even in their allocated area? Refuses to let a brother give azan for no reason? Makes problems in the masjid by talking bad about brothers? Treats the Masjid like his own private property, & yet have the audacity to tell everyone that the masjid is not a hotel? He has forcefully occupied a guest room for the last 20 years and refuses to let guests stay? Even though there is a severe accommodation crisis in Perth? Delays salat especially the Magrib, making taxi drivers wait unnecessarily when they could be easily earning their halal money? Gives fatwas about about number of issues he has absolutely no knowledge of? Gives marital advise to brothers when he is not married? Please guide us with some answers.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.


The prayer behind the said Imaam is valid, and his bad conduct, toughness and not marrying, all these (if they are true) do not render the prayer behind him void. He might have a personal excuse for not marrying that no one knows, so one should not be harsh with him for this reason.

Indeed Allaah Says to His Prophet (what means): {And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter.}[Quran 3:159] Thus, Allaah warned His Prophet against being harsh in speech, and ordered him to pardon the believers, seek the forgiveness of Allaah for them and consult them.

Toughness and harshness are not one of the characteristics of the people who call others to Allaah and the scholars. Therefore, if this is truly his character, then those who know him should advise him so that he would be soft in his behaviour with people.

One should consider people’s circumstances when establishing the prayer, like cooling water in very hot weather, and the other things which you mentioned.  Softness and gentleness beautify things and when they lack in something, they make it boring.

On the other hand, you should not magnify things beyond their scope. If the Imaam is right in some of his behaviour like preventing the mosque from being used as a hotel, or preventing people from being too extravagant in using water and electricity while there is no income for the mosque for paying the bills, then the congregation should help him in taking care of the mosque. All of you should bear in mind the Saying of Allaah (which means): {Help you one another in virtue, righteousness and piety but do not help one another in sin and transgression.}[Quran 5:2]

Finally, you should beware of division and dissension as this is evil, and remember that you are all brothers in Islam and one nation.

Allaah Knows best.

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