Due to extreme anger, he could not complete the sentence of divorce
Fatwa No: 123710


During my family conflict with my sister in the absence of my wife I said to my sister "I divorce her" but what I wanted to say to my sister is that "I divorce her then will all your problems be solved?" but due to extreme angerness my breathing was out of control and failed to complete the whole sentence.But I repeated again and said"Well,I divorce her" but again this time I failed to complete my whole sentence and the second part of sentence remained in my heart.My sister then put her hand on my mouth and shut the my mouth and starts weaping then I come to realize that some thing has been spoken wrong i.e Iboth times I have spoken the incomplete sentence.My sister then said that two divorces has been taken place.Now I want to know has two divorces has been taken place?If not then how can I prove my wording to my family members because it is Allah who only knows what was in my heart at that time and that I was failed to complete my sentence due to uncontrolled breathing and that at time I have no intention of divorce at that time I was just want to ask the question in angryness with my sister that whether giving divorce to my wife will streamline all the problms of your life.Plz do not disclose this question and keep it confidantial.plz reply me on my email address on urgent basis.May Allah guide you to give fair fatwa and keep me away fron devil confusing thoughts.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


If a husband says about his wife ‘I divorce her’ then this does not make divorce effective unless the husband intended to divorce her because this expression is just a promise of divorce. Therefore, if the situation is as you mentioned in the question that you did not intend to divorce your wife by saying so, then divorce does not take place with the wording that you mentioned. Hence, your wife still remains your wife [she is not divorced]; for more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 92476.

In order to convince your family, you may show them this Fatwa.

Finally, the two following matters should be mentioned:

1-     You should avoid anger and endeavour to solve your problems without uttering the words of divorce.

2-     You should be keen on being affectionate and friendly with the Muslims; this is even more confirmed with the relatives as Allaah ordered us to keep ties with the kinship.

Allaah Knows best.

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