I want to perform a second marriage.I have one kid also from first wife. As far as second marriage is concerned, we know each other and waiting to getting married since past 05 years. My issue is: A person who will about to br my second wife has a condition. THAT condition is : "I will not share my bed or any physical relation with my First Wife.".. More
I have married at 2nd after I divorced a man In my 2nd marriage he have a son I cannot lookafter him but I said I will look after him before the marriage What can I do.. More
Alsalam alykum, if me and my wife go to a camping trip at some place far where there is no one, does she still have to wear hijab or abya when she’s outside?.. More
is it permissible to live in joint family if i dont have any bad feeling or thoughts to my cousions.Is my maternal uncle's wives non mehram for me?.. More
My husband has once said Thalaq three times and my sister heard him. Before this he threatens to divorce me many times. Later he called back and said he didn’t say Talaq, it was other words in Arabic. He speaks Arabic so I believed him. After that incident when we have big fights, he still mentions divorce but in English. The second time was he said.. More
Al salam Alaykum If my older sister is going to travel without a mahram am I allowed to drop her at the station if she insists on going and would take an Uber if I refused? In this situation, she would be in seclusion with the driver and she would not be wearing the hijab.Jazak Allah Khayr
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SA,Would it be permissible to drive my friend who is a female and her husband to the airport in my car? The husband would; be sat in the back while I drive and my female friend beside me.
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Salam aleikum I have a question and i would need your advice insha Allah.If i have money ( inheritage from my parents ) and i want to open a taxi company, meaning buy a few cars used for taxi and so on and my husband asked if he could be a driver of my company but my husband has in the past drink alcohol regurarly ( which is haram of course ) and crashed.. More
Assalamu Alaikum , As we know Women are supposed to live their Guardians,but what should a woman do in Extreme cases of Abuse for example. Is a unmarried Woman still obliged to live with her Father and brothers if they severely beat her and abuse her mentally ,or can she leave and live alone to protect herself from Severe Physical beatings and Mental.. More
Asalam alaykum,Please can I enquire about a divorce Fatwa.In January 2023 I was roughly 6 months pregnant and in an argument my husband said, “I divorce you, I divorce you”. Then we reconciled and a month later he said, “I divorce you” only once. Since then, we have been separated and I have now had my baby and she is now 5 months old. Recently.. More
Assalamualaikum. I am a married woman of a child age 6 years and very unhappy in my conjugal life. One and half years ago, I got married with another man and at the same day, I, myself divorced my 1st husband but not to disclose this matter to my 2nd husband.Few months back, I birth another child by my 2nd husband (that means, now I have 2 children).. More
if woman parents are christian and do not approve me as muslim and getting us married(She is also Christian), and also disagree (parents) about my nationality . What should i do?
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Assalamualaikum. alhamdulillah I am a revert practicing Islam in Malaysia and most teachers i my school knows I have entered Islammy question is today we were in science lab and my science teacher is a woman. she hit a male with a book and i corrected her but she got a bit frustrated and said its with a book not using her hands. id like to know the.. More