Avoiding doubtful places - Corresponding with marriageable man
Fatwa No: 173429


Assalamwalaikum, im married for a year, & my husband stays out of india. i stay with my inlaws in india. however my father met with an accident and i have been staying with my parents for almost 2 months which my inlaws didnt like.. last week i returned my home, but i was worried for my father & also for my husband as he is also not keeping well from 2 months. with all this tension i & my hasband were having arguments.& in this frame of mind i called my male non muslim friend. & he sent me some worng msgs.which my inlaws found out without my knowledge. they have informed this to my husband & he is angry with me saying i cheated him.which is not true..i have been talking to my friend but not having an affair.. i have been sent back to my father's home.pls help me.. & deeply & sincerly repent for calling him.. pls help...


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

A believing woman must avoid places of doubt and suspicion, as, by doing so, she would protect her religion and her honor so that she would not be accused about anything regarding them. Thus, if you had feared Allaah The Almighty and were cautious in corresponding with this man, who is a non-Mahram (marriageable) man to you, then you would have been safe from what happened to you. However, you were lenient in this regard and this led to what necessitates regret.

Therefore, you are obliged to repent to Allaah The Almighty and not do this again in the future.

For more benefit on the conditions of repentance, please refer to Fatwa 86527.

Also, for more benefit on the prohibition of establishing a relationship based on affection between sexes outside marriage, please refer to Fatwa 81356.

Thus, we advise you to supplicate Allaah The Almighty to rectify matters between you and your husband and we advise you to appoint rational people from your family and your husband’s family to judge between you and try to solve this problem and rectify the matter.

 Finally, the following issues should be mentioned:

1-It is not permissible for a wife to go out of her husband’s home without his permission unless she has a sound reason for doing so, as we clarified in Fatwa 90507. This includes going out to visit her parents, according to the view of some scholars.

2-It is not permissible for the husband to be absent from his wife more than six months except with her consent, as we have already clarified in Fatwa 85711.

3-The wife has the right to be given a separate accommodation, so that she is not obliged to reside with the relatives of her husband as we clarified in Fatwa 84068.

 4-It is not permissible for the family of the husband to investigate the personal matters of the wife of their son, as this is a kind of forbidden spying.

Allaah Knows best.

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