Ruling on looking at a beardless man and friendship with an effeminate man
Fatwa No: 18605


What is the ruling on befriending a young man who has not yet grown a beard, or a man from the so-called “third sex”?


All perfect praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.

There are two cases for young men who are yet to grow a beard:

1-      A young man who is not handsome and has no beard and who does not fascinate those who look at him: The Shaafi‘i and Hanafi scholars stated that they have the same ruling as normal men.

2-      A handsome one who may fascinate those who look at him. Such a young man has two conditions:

-        If looking at such a man or accompanying him is not intended for sexual pleasure, then he takes the ruling of the first case according to the opinion of the majority of Islamic jurists.

If looking at such a man or accompanying him is intended for ‎sexual pleasure, then this is prohibited. Even, the Hanafi and Shaafi’i scholars stated that he must be treated like a woman in this respect.

The term, ‘the third sex’ applies to the men who act like women in terms ‎‎of movements, speech and clothing. It also applies to male homosexuals.  Such persons are ‎‎found in the West, where the Fitrah (sound innate disposition) has been perverted and manners ‎‎have been destroyed until many people have become like animals or ‎‎even worse. This immorality has gone beyond the extremes; they ‎‎are now protected by the law. Sadly, some so-called Muslims imitate them.

Such people must be killed, as unanimously stated by the honorable Companions; however, the ruler or the concerned authorities are the only bodies entitled to execute this penalty. This is because individuals are not allowed under Sharee‘ah to execute this prescribed punishment or any other one.

Looking at and mixing with such persons is even more prohibited than looking at or mixing with charming, beardless young men.

Allaah Knows best.

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