Drops observed on underwear after Istinjaa’
Fatwa No: 288808


Assalamu Alaikum, I'm a 20 year old Muslim. After I have performed istanja and wudu, I see that my private parts is wet but I know that was because I performed istanja. But when I check after an hour, everything is dry except the tip of my penis. I cannot tell if this is water that was trapped inside penis then came out or if this is urine as the liquid colour is clear. Not alot of the liquid comes out but only a few drops and it stays around the tip of the penis.What should I do because this happens literally everyday and I have to change clothes for nearly every salah to the point I have no clean clothes left to pray in. How can I tell if it's urine or water that leaks out?Should I just ignore it and still pray with the same clothes that gets "leaked"?Please answer this question and not refer it to another question as it doesn't answer my question. I'm sorry to ask you this but it has troubling me for a long time and I don't have anybody to ask in person because it's embarrassing.Jazak Allah.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.

You are advised to repel such obsessive whispers and totally disregard them. When you relieve yourself and perform Istinjaa’, the presumption is that no urine is released after that. You should not consider that urine has been released unless you know it with certainty to the extent that you are able to swear to it. Rather, it is recommended for you to sprinkle water on your underclothes so that if you feel any moisture, you would consider it the result of that sprinkled water, thereby avoiding any obsessive whispers. If you happened to find any wetness on your penis or underclothes, and you did not know with certainty that it was urine, you should consider it the water with which you had performed Istinjaa’. You are advised to disregard such whispers. Yielding to such whispers leads to serious evil.

As for your suspicion that this water might have been trapped inside the penis and come out later, it is very unlikely. Apparently, this is part of the whispers you are experiencing and this is merely the remaining water that you had used in the Istinjaa', so you should repel and disregard these whispers.

For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 280252

Allaah Knows best.

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