Assalamualaikum. I had a wet dream and woke up in a state of janab and it was time for fajr prayer, the weather was cold and the water was also cold and I had no means of heating the water so I performed ablution(not tayammum) and prayed. Is my prayer valid? And was it the right thing to do?.. More
Assalamu alaikum.I have been going through some supernatural conditions.Those supernatural conditions are creating a lot of problems for me.I don't know whether all those supernatural conditions are harmul for me or some supernatural conditions are harmful for me or some part of some supernatural conditions are harmful for me.) I don't know which of.. More
Hello, I have this issue and I really need an answer. I do wudu with socks and I make sure to dry my feet after doing wudu and wearing the socks. But sometimes I still feel wetness. So is it permissible if I put my hands in my socks to make sure my feet is dry without taking off the socks? Specially if my ablution broke? Or would it invalidate my whole.. More
Assalam aleykum, If I have some issues with a sprained ankle/finger, can I use tape and do wudoo over it? even though it the tape is removable I would have to remove it for every salah and it takes time. Jazakumullahukhayran
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It is no doubt that weed and alcohol are haram, but drinking Alcohol means one’s prayers won’t be accepted for forty days. Does the ruling apply to weed as well? I read your other fatwa regarding it, and it says it does, but in the Hadith it is stated that whoever DRINKS khamr, their prayer won’t be accepted for forty days. This sounds like it.. More
Asalamu alaykom. In the past, I used to not really pay much attention to praying especially when it was nearing the time of my period. I used to like class any type of discharge as “period” and never really prayed those. What should i do? I used to not always pray on time either. I was ignorant of many rulings/ didn’t care about them. Is it obligatory.. More
Asslamuailkum,I have pgad. It is a medical condition where a person has an or multiple orgasm(involuntary). However, I don't experience any discharge. Is ghusl wajib? Sometimes it is after every few minutes. And other times it is just once a day or twice. (no I don't look or see or do anything that is haram)Secondly, What should a female do if she is.. More
Salam, I am a 25 year old Muslim and I have been wanting to know on how to perform Ghusl. Is it possible to A) just take a shower only with the intention that its for ghusl and that I am cleansing myself from major and minor impurities for the sake of Allah or B) take a full shower and then do the sunnah steps after the shower.Shukran for the time to.. More
Salam, as a newlymarried i have bled after intercourse on my first 2 occasions which essentially began my menses. The third occasion I bled again during intercourse and i am due my menses. Do I still need to do ghusl as I think this could be my period? There was penetration but no orgasm.
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Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah, I go to a college in a non muslim country where the washrooms are unisex meaning boys and girls (who are non-muslim) use the same washroom. i cannot make wudu in their because while doing wudu I obviously have to wash my awrah e.g. arms etc. and we all know women can't show their awrah to non-muslim women and non-mahram.. More
can we perform Tayammum using Manufactured sand (used commonly in construction industry in India) ? Manufactured sand is produced from hard granite stone by crushing. The crushed sand is of cubical shape with grounded edges, washed and graded to as a construction material
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Can we fast if we have not performed ghusal after periods or if you have performed ghusal but observe brownish discharge .. can I repeat ghusal before prayer and complete my fast.
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I’m having difficulty making wudhu and ghusl because of the obligation to rub if has applied creams. Is it obligatory to rub the skin if one has used shampoo/soaps? Would it still be obligatory if one uses water solluble moisturizers, or washes off the moisturizer with water before making wudhu? If you could, please give me practical steps to follow.. More
I oversleep fajr, woke up prayed it. Then went back to sleep. Woke up again and it was dhuhr time. I (MAY!) have gone to the bathroom to pee then spending more time before praying dhuhr prayer. Then towards the end of asr prayer I was about to pray but saw my menses.Now i don’t know when exactly the menses started. It could have started all the way.. More