Daa‘iyah cannot guarantee guidance
Fatwa No: 28894


Some of my wife’s relatives are accustomed to using abusive language in their talk. They are old people and I cannot advise them because they do not listen to anyone. What should I do?


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.

It is a Muslim’s duty to advise others; however, guidance is in the Hand of Allaah Alone. Allaah Says (what means): {Indeed, [O Muhammad], you do not guide whom you like, but Allaah guides whom He wills.}[Quran 28:56] In other words, Allaah Commands us to call people to His Way without holding us responsible for the results of our Da‘wah. He Says (what means): {Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best.   Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided.}[Quran 16:125]

As a matter of fact, if people give up offering advice because no one accepts it from them, no one will ever advise others and no one would enjoin good or forbid evil. Therefore, the adviser must not give up and must repeat the advice and try various methods to convey it. For instance, he may advice verbally sometimes, provide the person with a book or a tape other times, and yet at other times he may seek the help of those who may have influence over the addressed person. In other words, Da‘wah is not restricted to one single means or method.

Allaah Knows best.

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