The forearm is part of the woman's ‘Awrah according to most scholars
Fatwa No: 291025


As-salaamu 3laikum, Some Muslim sisters in my country wear hijab but I usually think it is not correct hijab when I see them because of two things: First, sometimes they leave part of their forearm bare. Secondly, the clothes they use often have attractive designs and embroidery on them. According to the conditions on your fataawa about this, that would not be correct hijab. However, in one of the articles on your site their is a quote from a scholar of al-Azhar who said that there are only 2 conditions of hijab. And I also read an article on the Internet attributed to Yusuf Qaradawi stating that some scholars included the lower forearm in their definition of the hand. So among the scholars who believe it is permissible to uncover the face and hands, did they differ about the extent of the hand, and did they differ about the conditions for correct hijab? Jazaakum Allahu khair


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.

We previously provided detailed information about the legitimate Islamic Hijab and the difference of opinion among the scholars regarding covering the face and hands, and we explained that the preferred opinion adopted on Islamweb is that it is obligatory for the Muslim woman to cover her face and hands. Please refer to Fataawa 83702, 83033 and 81554.

The scholars held different opinions about whether the forearm is included in the hand or not. The Kuwaiti Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence reads,

"The majority (of the scholars) maintained that the forearm is included in the ʻAwrah (body parts that must be covered as per the Sharee‘ah) of the free woman whether during prayer or outside of prayer (in front of non-Mahram men). However, the Maalikis held that the forearm is part of the lesser ʻAwrah; if the woman's forearm is accidentally exposed during the prayer, she should repeat it if the due time of the prayer has not yet ended. If the prayer time has ended, then she is not obliged to repeat it. There are different reports regarding the opinion of the Hanafis; one report suggests that the forearm is part of the woman's ʻAwrah during the prayer and outside of prayer, and this is the more correct view in the Hanafi School. Another opinion of the Hanafis suggests that the forearm is part of the ʻAwrah in the prayer only."

It should be noted that there is no difference of opinion among the scholars regarding the description of the Islamic Hijab aside from what may be uncovered of the body (the face and hands). We have already underlined that the most valid opinion in this regard is that the Muslim woman must cover her entire body.

Regarding the quote you referred to in the question, in which the speaker mentioned only two requirements for Hijab, the speaker may have chosen not to mention some requirements because they are already well-known or for a similar reason.

Allaah Knows best.

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