Watching Shows from a Site that Obtained them in an Unlicensed and Pirated Way
Fatwa No: 461830


Assalamunalaikum, I have a question regarding watching shows from a site where they acquire it unlicensed (pirated). Those shows only (mostly) broadcast on the Japanese TV, hence why this site has them streaming unlicensed. Months ago (and lately) I read from numerous sources regarding piracy, in which it was said it is permissible to use if it is only for personal use, and that's why I've watched some movies and shows from it. Recently when I downloaded a few things from it, the question kicked back into my mind again. My question is: is it permissible for me to use this site? I've read fatwa's about it here too, but I couldn't exactly get my answer.


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

If you know that the channel has obtained these programs through piracy and violation of others’ rights and that watching them would increase the number of the followers of that channel in a manner that benefits it, then you should not watch it, in order not to help them in doing this sin. Allah Says (what means): {And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression.} [Quran 5:2]

The same ruling applies to downloading programs from its website as long as you know that it is pirated, meaning that it is prohibited for you to do so. As for the opinion that allows this act in light of personal benefit and as long as it does not incur any material gain, it is already held by some scholars, but the most authentic opinion is that one should refrain from doing so, especially if we take into account the fact that the need to such movies is exclusively restricted to entertainment, which means that there is no essential need for watching such movies even if they are free from what is unlawful – a requirement that is not usually fulfilled.

Allah knows the best.

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