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Is it permissible to benefit from YouTube videos for educational and beneficial purposes even though many of them may contain haram elements such as background music? For example, I watch a video about a certain subject to learn it, but their is music in the video... More
assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah, is it permissible for a women to model on different abayas for small abaya companies for photoshoots to be posted on social media marketing even with her face being covered?.. More
Assalamu alaykum, I work as a software engineer for an AI company that provides text-to-image solutions where you write any text and it'll create an image for you. The solution is available to general public so anyone can use it and can generate whatever they want and they even have special models for generating cartoons and faces. They have implemented.. More
Assalamualaikum...i want to ask about watching videos of someone doing black magic,shirk,kufr for educational purposes and to create awareness....Is it still a major sin to watch videos of that if its for educational purposes and be aware of that things?As there is a brother who exposes the black magician or magic etc by making videos of that is it.. More
Are AI created images of Humans permissable? In some Websites you can type in how you want your Character to look like and they make a very realistic Human so is it Haram
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There is a video on YouTube of a student of knowledge, but is not a scholar. The person who filmed him studied the deen, but is not a scholar as well. The person who filmed this video wants to show to the audience a little bit on who's the student of knowledge and it's for halal entertainment. In the video, there are women who are unveiled. These women.. More
Salam. I would like to know is it permissible for a Muslim to take a pictures of a Muslimah who's wearing the hijab, whether they are showing their face and hands or not to upload the picture anywhere online? Also, is it permissible for a teenage boy to upload a video game that has no music on his YouTube channel, but he didn't cover the advertisement.. More
Assalamu alaikum I’m a 17 year old who loves to code and sometimes make games. I know the ruling on making cartoon images and I don’t draw full images anymore like I use to and I draw partial animate beings by just doing the head and not drawing anything else. When I code in games i add ready made images which I choose from a variety of sources.. More
I have a painting in my room and this painting has fishes on it. Those fishes are so small and eyes of fishes are not visible from far. Is keeping it halal for me?
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Salams, is it halal for me to make movie recap videos. I take a 2 hour movie and make it 10 minutes. I take out all audio, music, sexual references, sexual scenes and make sure the movie is an action/thriller movie. But no matter what I do I cannot remove women from my videos and they would be dressed relatively appropriately but show their face, hair.. More
AssalamuAlaikum. I am a student. In my university, they haven’t issued us ID cards so we can’t issue books from the library yet. We can go and read them there. I wanted to ask whether i can click pictures of few pages from the book or not? Will that be stealing? The library is for students use. Kindly reply fast. May Allah reward you!
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So I obviously do not have any non mahram in my social media accounts . But my husband has female followers of him and he uploads his pics regularly. And I'm really worried about it. Is it permissible for him to do so ?
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Assalamu alaikum I’m a 19 year old revert and I’m still confused on the rulings on statues and drawings. I know if it imitates life it’s haram. For a wedding gift for my friend I got him a 3D hand casting kit as both him and his soon to be wife are very sentimental. You hold hands with someone and dip them into some form of alginate to create.. More
Salaam alaikoum,I'm trying to make An App that displays pictures (of nature) and a button to the the social medium/website of the photographer that took the picture so that the users of the app know who took the picture. The photographers need to pay to be in the App. My question is: if people who use my app, go to the social medium/website of the photographe.. More
Is watching haram video on YouTube help in sin? Because by watching it the video will get more view, and if the video get many view it will get reccomended by youtube to other people or it will placed at top trending because that , are this considered help in sin because indirectly promote the haram video although Im not intended to promote it? And.. More
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