Catholics Want to Tell Muslim Students about Jesus
Fatwa No: 84096


I am a teacher in an Islamic school in the USA. I was invited to talk about Islam in a Catholic school and I did. Now the Catholic school is asking me if they can come and talk about Jesus and their religion to my class whose ages are between (11-16) years old. I am not sure if that would be right to do and Halal. Please let me know as soon as possible.


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

Islam is the only true religion that is accepted by Allah; He does not accept any other religion. Allah Says (what means): {And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.} [Quran 3:85]

Thus, all people should accept Islam and adopt it as their religion. They are among Allah's Creatures, belong to Him Alone, live on His Earth, and eat sustenance provided by Him. Thus, they are obliged to follow His Commands and avoid His prohibitions.

Therefore, it is injustice to equate Islam with other false religions in the field of calling people towards Islam. Islam guides them to Paradise and saves them from Hellfire, unlike other religions.

Therefore, we do inform our brother, that he should not give any chance for Christians to present their false religion before Muslim teenage students. It is possible that some doubts may take place in their hearts and they cannot get rid of them.

Even though Christianity cannot stand before good logic, we should block the door which could lead to evil.

Allah knows best.

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