Marrying to get citizenship
Fatwa No: 84326


I am a Moroccan, please tell me about marriage with an Arabic girl living in France: to get citizenship.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the World; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

Basically, marrying the girl you mentioned in your question is permissible and valid if the marriage meets all the conditions set by Shari'a. Know that a temporary marriage is forbidden.
However, marrying this woman to settle in France or to get citizenship is not permissible due to its many bad consequences unless there is need such as one who is expelled from his country because he is religious and if he lives in his country may be subject to harm in his body or religion. For more details, please read the Fatwa: 82552.
Allah knows best.

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