Dress of Muslim women in Czech Republic
Fatwa No: 84926


I was born and live in Czech Republic. My Czech husband 2 years and I are Muslims. I want to respect all codes of Islam, including dressing. I am wearing Hijab abroad all the time. I was reading some Fatwas in Internet and get knowledge, that the woman must be cover her face. I am in agreement and I want to wear Niqab (properly-leaving space only for eyes). But some of Muslims in Czech Republic disagree. They told me, that is bad publicity for Islam in atheistic and Christian countries. The number of Czech Muslims is 300, together with foreigner Muslims about 4000 in Czech Republic, I suppose. In our country a few Muslim-women, are wearing Hijab. They commend me too, because I am wearing Hijab in the black colour. Please, write me, what is right for Islam.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the World; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

It is the duty of a Muslim woman to follow the rulings of Sharia in the matter of her dress as well as all other matters.
Allah has ordained Muslim women to observe Hijab and to cover their faces. Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). …} [33: 59].
The Mufassirs (Qur'an interpreters) say that 'Jilbab' means the garment that is used to cover the head and when it is lowered it covers the face. It is also said that 'Jilbab' means the garment that covers the whole body.
In fact, there are many texts in Sharia that prove the obligation of covering the face. So, a Muslim woman is required to follow the commands of Allah in a non-Muslim country as well as in a Muslim country. Yet, wearing Hijab in a non-Muslim country becomes more important to keep you away from seduction and to demonstrate the merits of Islamic Sharia. Know that Hijab is among the merits of Islamic Sharia, and every wise and good-natured person recognizes it.
A Muslim woman should not be impressed by the fake claims that Hijab in non-Muslim countries misrepresent Islam; such claims are nothing but than illusions.
However, if a Muslimah fears that covering the face could cause her some harm, she may give up covering her face, and then she should not go outside except for necessity.
Finally, we inform our sister that wearing black colour is not compulsory; she may use any colour provided it is free from decoration and attraction that could lead to seduction.
Allah knows best.

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