Thinking gay but wants to be straight
Fatwa No: 85918


What kind of homosexual acts that would be considered as sin and that would be punished by Allah (SWT)? If we just have the thought but we don't commit it, is that also sinful? Is our prays to Allah acceptable at the time we have such a thought? (Well, I think I have the thought that I am gay but I don't commit it). Have you ever heard that a man with such a thought would be straight? Is that possible and are there any successful example to encourage me? What should I do to be straight other than praying to God and doing Dhikr? Please pray for me?


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. We ask Allah, The Almighty to guide your heart and open your mind for the truth. We ask Him also to bestow chastity on you and to make you and us steadfast in our religion until we meet Him while He is satisfied with us. Know dear brother that all homosexual acts are forbidden and their doer deserves to be punished. As for mere thought about such acts, it is not Haram. But it can be a satanic path that beautifies committing evil. We ask Allah to protect us. The prayer of a person who suffers satanic insinuations and thinks about such things is valid by the Will of Allah. As for your saying: "I think … I am gay", this is part of Satan's whispers, so seek refuge with Allah from them, and read the following Fatawa: 81617 and 82048. As for your question: "Can someone with such thoughts become straight", the answer is "Yes", anyone who wants to become straight can do so even the Kafir, the murderer and the homosexual let alone the person who only suffers from Satan's whispers. Satan tries to make you believe that you want to commit Fahisha (any bad sexual act) or that it is even part of your nature. These are all Satan's tricks. Indeed, many people confronted with such situations contacted us and when they found out the reality they turned to Allah and repented in the best way. As for your request to tell you other good deeds that are not Salah and Dhikr, know that the forms of worship are numerous. You can read the Qur'an, give Sadaqa (alms), fast, perform Hajj and Umrah, visit one's relatives and be good with people, especially the needy. You should also have good company and seek knowledge.                            Allah knows best.

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