Missing Fajr prayer in congregation due to late night work
Fatwa No: 87604


I live near a mosque within a five-minute walk, but I cannot hear the Azan because it is not announced over a loudspeaker. Here in this multi-racial society the government will not allow others (Kafirun) to be disturbed. It is compulsory for me to go to the mosque for congregational prayers 5 times daily. What are the virtues of congregational prayers? Some say it is only Sunnah. I am working shift duty and by the time I get to sleep it is 1:30 am and I cannot wake up for Fajr prayer as I am too tired. Is it a sin to miss it in congregation? Please help by giving all details about congregational prayers according to Qur'an and Hadith.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.


There is no doubt that there is a great excellence in praying in congregation.  This matter is discussed in Fatwa: 82500.

As regards the ruling about the prayer in congregation, this is a matter of difference of opinion, and this is also discussed in Fatwa: 86583.

Anyway, whether congregational prayer is an individual obligation or a communal obligation, or a confirmed Sunnah, you should not be lenient towards performing it, rather you should be keen on performing it with other Muslim brothers, especially, as you have mentioned, you are living in a society where there is what you have mentioned.

Fajr prayer is very important, so do not submit yourself to your desires and the whispers of Satan and over sleep (not performing it).  But rather, you have to perform it in congregation, and it takes only a few minutes, and then you come back to rest.

If you have an excuse, for instance if you are not well, you can perform it at home with your wife, or with someone who resides with you, and if that is not possible, then you can pray alone.


Allah knows best.

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