Broke a vow, had sexual intercourse, and is addicted to masturbation
Fatwa No: 87634


I have three questions: 1) will Allah forgive me if I said to my mother that I will never smoke again and if I did may Allah put me in Jahannam or Hell? 2) Can I be forgiven if I had sexual intercourse knowing it was wrong but did it anyway just to see how it feels? 3) I am addicted to masturbation and I feel there's no cure. I have fasted, prayed, kept myself busy, and I don't have enough money to get married. What can I do? Please help me.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.


1. Fulfilling a promise is something desirable according to the opinion of the majority of scholars. And there is no sin in breaking the promise.

The sin here is the continuation of smoking and returning to smoking after repentance. We ask Allah to accept your repentance and grant you the favour of giving up smoking, in order to preserve your health and to please your mother.

As regards your supplication to Allah to put you in Hell, we ask Allah to save us and yourself from it.  May Allah, the Most-High, forgive you and complete His favours on you by making you stop this disobedience (smoking).

2. The punishment of a fornicator is to be lashed 100 times, and if he is married (adulterer) he is to be stoned till death. However, if Allah concealed his sin, then he has to conceal himself and not to inform anybody about his sin. He has to repent to Allah, seek forgiveness, regret what he has done, and be determined not to return to it again.

You are saying that you wanted only to experience that, however, this will not intercede for you, because you did it intentionally, deliberately and by your own choice. You have to remember Allah much to continuously perform acts of obedience, and to keep company with pious people. Allah accepts sincere repentance.

3. We ask Allah to accept your repentance. You have to know that returning to Allah, being in need of Him and asking guidance from Him is the shortest way to enable you to give up committing sins and actions of disobedience. Masturbation is the source of many harms that make a person want to stay away from it, and incite him to leave it; as well as the sins that result from it. You have to remember this, and keep company with pious people, avoid being alone, and remember that Allah is watching you. All the above-mentioned factors can help you give up this bad habit; may Allah save us and yourself from it.


Allah knows best. 

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