His business partner took a loan with interest Fatwa No: 88356
- Fatwa Date:26-7-2004
I am Moroccan and I started doing business with a Muslim from an African country. We decided to build a partnership in order to sell some products abroad. He asked me to send him my part of money and after selling products I'll receive 40% of the gain. After we finished the transaction I discovered that he took a credit from a bank with interest to invest in our business. My part of the money came from Halal means. Now I am asking is it Halal for me to continue doing business which him and about my 40% OF THE FIRST TRANSACTION what is Halal for me.
Should I only take the money I've invest first without any gain?
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.
Partnership with a person whose money is Haram is not allowed since it is an act that can be interpreted as an approval of his bad practice. Therefore, we advise you to cancel this contract. Allah will forgive you since you did not know the source of income of your partner. You have to make Tawbah and Istighfar.
Allah knows best.