What is the ruling on working as a food safety specialist in hotels that serve foreign tourists or serve alcohol, knowing that there is no direct contact with tourists or serving alcohol, but I may be responsible for its safety and room hygiene... More
Is it considered imitating disbelievers and therefore haram to buy Japanese cultural-style items? For example, wearing a yukata at home, eating with chopsticks, or building traditional Japanese houses... More
Salman alikum brother, I want to purchase a vehicle to get some income out of it which will help to feed poor and to save. The vehicle which I want to purchase is from my son who took it away from his friend who cheated him in business. As per the information this vehicle was a share for both but the other partner sold some parts from it and took away.. More
I recently applied for job in company that creates payment systems like online payment and payment devices ( like in supermarket and restaurants) and apple pay integration (mostly all halal IT work), but the company that i will be working for, majority of the stakes are owned by a riba bank. So the company i will be working on doesn't do anything riba.. More
As a technician is it permissible to work in a shop that sometimes ordered by a bank,temple,hotel to install,fixing,implementing computersystem/cctv/electrical/if it's halal what about if the person is the Business owner is it permissible for him to take those order?JazakallahKhairan.. More
If I am the owner of a business which is haraam and if I sell that business to someone, would I keep incurring sin after selling the business if the person who I sold the business to operates it and grows the business more than I did?.. More
If I have a Halal business with haraam income, will the profits made by the business be halal for me or no? Can I just give the amount that I used to start the business in charity to make my business profits halal?.. More
Imagine this situation. A husband dies, leaving only a rich wife with two daughters who have not reached puberty. Who supports these daughters financially, only the rich mother? Please tell me what you think is the most correct opinion because I have seen a lot of ikhtilaf on this topic. Please note that there are no grandparents on either the mother's.. More
I have worked in a grocery store that sells halal and haram items like pork. I worked there as a cashier for 2 months. After leaving my job, I used almost 70% of my earnings to buy a laptop to help me in my schoolwork. The remaining income is now mixed with my other work, which is halal. I want to know that if my income was haram? Because I have heard.. More
AssalamualaikumMy question is if my father who works in an interest based bank gifts me like a land or a flat is it ok for me to rent out the flat or to sell the land after few years? Will the money I get from it be halal for me JazakAllah khair.. More
Salam.My friends and I have decided to start a business and we have formed a company. One important aspect of the business is that when we get a client which would be another business, we send them a contract that they should sign which stipulates the terms of use working together.The problem that I have, is that this contract which we send to them,.. More
Assalaamu Alaikum If you sell a product and only afterward realize there was a small defect and you forgot who the buyer was, do you have to give all the money charity? Shukran
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Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuI hope you all are in the best forms and health InshaAllah. I have a question regarding a job opportunity, I want to know if this position is halal or haram in islam? So, the position is Finance and Customer Service Co-ordinator in the company. The company manufacturers and sells and do maintenance of the.. More
After working with a company for 3 weeks, I discovered that it was cheating on the work, by using a trick to raise certain quantities to make it seem like the task was successfully completed.At this time I was not involved in the cheating part. I was doing maintenance work, carrying things, and installing pipes, but after 7 weeks my boss began to involve.. More
As salamu alaikum ustad,In the western country I live and study there have been some changes in the banks because of the inflation and they started giving interest (riba) to people who put their money on the bank. So I would like to know what's the ruling on putting the money in the bank if there is not a bank that doesn't give interest. As a student.. More