Living in UK without a Mahram
Fatwa No: 90207


I'm 18 years old and live in UK with a close relative; one thing I realized was I don't have any Muhrrim at all in this country. So is Haraam on me to say in this country, I do have uncles but they are cousins with my parents, if I have to travel to others cities inside the country. Am I allowing (e.g. making passport) even though I don't have Muhrrim at all?


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.


There is no doubt that there are great dangers on one's religion, honour and dignity in residing in a non-Muslim country without a Mahram (a non-marriageable relative) who would protect her, support her and fulfil her needs especially if the resident is a woman and especially someone your age. Your cousins are not Mahaarim (plural of Mahram) to you, so you are not allowed to travel with them, be in seclusion with them, or appear in front of them without wearing the proper Hijab as they are marriageable men in relation to you who can marry you.

It is also not permissible for a woman to go from one city to another if the distance is considered a journey. Please refer to Fataawa: 83795 and 84377 about the travel of a woman without a Mahram.

First, we advise you to fear Allaah and go back to your family even if you travel without a Mahram, because if your family is in a Muslim country then a woman does not need to be accompanied by a Mahram to travel from a non-Muslim country to a Muslim country, according to the view of the scholars. If your parents are in a non-Muslim country then the harm of staying without a Mahram is greater than the harm of travelling without a Mahram for few hours, so you should opt for the lesser harm. If you are unable to travel to your family, then you have to stay with safe female Muslim companions, as they would help you perform acts of obedience to Allaah and stay away from His disobedience. Furthermore, you should really be determined to stay away from places of suspicions and avoid mixing with marriageable men and you should wear Hijab when going out. Please refer to Fataawa: 87373 and 86405 about the ruling of residing in a non-Muslim country and Fatwa: 83702 about the requirements of a proper Hijab.

As regards residing with your relatives, it is permissible on the condition that you should not be in seclusion with any male marriageable relative or shake hands with them, and not appear in front of them except with a proper Hijab and you should not speak to them unless for a need. Please refer to Fatwa: 84729 in relation to wearing Hijab in the presence of marriageable men.

We ask Allaah to protect us from apparent and hidden afflictions and tribulation.

Allaah Knows best.

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