Times to perform the confirmed Sunnah prayers
Fatwa No: 99861


asalamu alaikum, what is the exact time to perform 2 rakah sunah before the time of the obligatory salat? pls help ASAP.... JAZAKALAHU KAIRAN


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


If by Sunnah you refer to the confirmed supererogatory prayers which are performed before or after the obligatory prayers, then its time begins at the beginning of the time of the obligatory prayer. For instance, the time of the Sunnah before Thuhr prayer starts at the beginning of the time of Thuhr prayer, and the time of the Sunnah after Thuhr prayer ends at the ending time of Thuhr prayer but it is permissible to make it up. The Sunnah which is performed after Maghrib prayer, should be done after the Maghrib obligatory prayer, and its time ends at the ending time of Maghrib prayer and the beginning time of ‘Ishaa’ prayer. The Sunnah which is performed after ‘Ishaa’ prayer, should be done after the ‘Ishaa’ prayer and its time lasts until the ending time of ‘Ishaa’ prayer.

For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 83409.

May Allaah increase your zeal on being keen on the Sunnah.

Allaah Knows best.

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