There are 17996 articles

  • Israel Drags Feet over Withdrawal as Perez Drafts Initiative

    JERUSALEM (Islamweb & News Agencies) -Israeli occupation forces held fast to positions in and around five Palestinian cities, defying repeated U.S. calls for a full withdrawal from areas occupied after Palestinian militants killed an Israeli cabinet minister on October 17. Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres meanwhile said he was drafting a new Middle.. More

  • U.S. Bombs Afghanistan City in Pre-Dawn Raid

    KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (Islamweb & News Agencies) - Two waves of U.S. jets raided the southern Afghan city of Kandahar early on Wednesday, dropping at least one huge bomb.``It was huge, the whole building was shaking,'' a Reuters reporter said. The first planes roared through the sky before dawn, swiftly followed by the sound of small explosions and.. More

  • Britain Says Bombing Should Take Account of Ramadan

    WASHINGTON (Islamweb & News Agencies) - British Defense Minister Geoff Hoon, in Washington to consult with the United States on the war in Afghanistan, said on Tuesday the campaign should take account of Ramadan because of sensitivities in the Muslim world about bombing during the Muslim fasting month. (Read photo caption) But Hoon also said the allies.. More

  • Cheney Moved to Secure Location Due to Threat

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney has been moved to an undisclosed secure location because of the latest threat of terrorist attacks, the White House said on Tuesday. (Read photo caption below) Spokesman Ari Fleischer said Cheney was moved to the location on Monday night after Attorney General John Ashcroft announced that new attacks.. More

  • Airstrikes May Pause for Ramadan

    LONDON (AP) - A pause in military strikes in Afghanistan for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan is ``being considered'' though past wars among Islamic countries have not had such cease-fires, Britain's foreign secretary said Sunday.(Read photo caption below)Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said the Allies were sensitive to the religious implications of continuing.. More

  • Israel Remains Defiant Despite so-calle US Pressure

    JERUSALEM (Islamweb & News Agencies) - Israeli tanks, armor and occupation troops held on to Palestinian-ruled areas in the northern West Bank on Tuesday, despite pressure from Israel's closest ally, the United States, for an immediate withdrawal.Washington said it was encouraged by Israel's pullout on Monday from Bethlehem -- revered as the birthplace.. More

  • Israel Remains Defiant Despite so-called US Pressure

    JERUSALEM (Islamweb & News Agencies) - Israeli tanks, armor and occupation troops held on to Palestinian-ruled areas in the northern West Bank on Tuesday, despite pressure from Israel's closest ally, the United States, for an immediate withdrawal.Washington said it was encouraged by Israel's pullout on Monday from Bethlehem -- revered as the birthplace.. More

  • Afghan Opposition Plan Offensive, U.S. Bombs Taliban Positions

    ISLAMABAD/KABUL (Islamweb & News Agencies) - The opposition Northern Alliance said on Monday it planned to launch a multi-pronged offensive after weeks of watching U.S. planes bomb Afghanistan's ruling Taliban militia. (Read photo caption below) Three commanders of the loose-knit Alliance, which controls less than 10 percent of Afghanistan, decided.. More

  • Washington Expects Additional Terrorist Attacks over Next Week

    WASHINGTON (Islamweb & News Agencies) - The U.S. government on Monday issued a second public advisory warning that additional terrorist attacks may come over the next week, Attorney General John Ashcroft said. (Read photo caption)``The administration has concluded, based on information developed, that there may be additional terrorist attacks within.. More

  • Rumsfeld: Iraq May be Target

    WASHINGTON, (Islamweb & News Agencies)-US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says he cannot rule out military action against Iraq in the US-led war on terrorism. (Read photo caption below) He was speaking after the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister, Tariq Aziz, said he believed the US planned to attack 300 Iraqi targets with 1,000 missiles. However, British.. More

  • Syrian president in Sudan

    KHARTOUM, Sudan, (Islamweb & News Agencies)- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has begun a two-day visit to Sudan - the first by a Syrian president for more than 30 years. (Read photo caption below) The Syrian Foreign Minister, Faruq al-Shara, who is accompanying the president, said the aim was to further improve bilateral relations and enhance Arab.. More

  • U.S. Military Commander Meets Pakistani President

    ISLAMABAD (Islamweb & News Agencies) - General Tommy Franks, commander of the U.S. Army's Central Command, discussed the Afghan war with Pakistani military ruler General Pervez Musharraf on Monday, the foreign ministry said. (Read photo caption below) Franks met Musharraf, who is head of the armed forces, along with other senior Pakistani officers,.. More

  • Israel Calls Off West Bank Pullout Citing Violence

    JERUSALEM (Islamweb & News Agencies) - Israel said on Saturday it was postponing indefinitely a scheduled withdrawal of its troops from Bethlehem and a neighboring Palestinian town because of continuing violence.Fierce fighting broke out in and around the West Bank town of Bethlehem and near Palestinian-ruled Nablus on Saturday just hours before Israel.. More

  • U.S. Bomb Kills 10 in Northern Afghanistan -TV

    DUBAI (Reuters) - A stray American bomb has killed at least 10 people in a village controlled by Afghanistan's opposition Northern Alliance, Qatar's al-Jazeera television reported on Sunday.It quoted medical sources in the city of Jabal-us-Saraj as saying that the village, which was hit on Saturday, was located just a few miles from the frontline between.. More

  • Taliban Take Back Town, Execute Rival

    KABUL (Islamweb & News Agencies) - The Taliban executed a commander of the exiled opposition captured on Friday after he crossed into Afghanistan to raise rebellion against the government, which scored battlefield gains during a U.S. bombing lull. The swift execution of Abdul Haq, a veteran mujahideen holy warrior who fought the Soviet occupation,.. More