There are 17995 articles

  • Macedonia Resistance Say Disbanded, NATO to Boost Peace

    SIPKOVICA, Macedonia (Islamweb & News Agencies) - Macedonia's ethnic Albanian Liberation Movement announced its dissolution Thursday and NATO launched a security mission to buttress a fragile new peace while parliament grapples with reforms. NATO said it hoped there would be no serious problems with the government's intention to move police and refugees.. More

  • Six Palestinians Killed on Uprising Anniversary

    JERUSALEM (Islamweb & News Agencies) - Six Palestinians were killed and dozens wounded on Friday as protesters took to the streets across the Middle East to mark the first anniversary of the uprising against Israeli occupation.The confrontations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip further strained efforts to forge a lasting cease-fire that could boost a.. More

  • Pakistan's Talks With Taliban Fail

    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Pakistan tried and failed Friday to persuade Afghanistan's Taliban rulers to surrender Osama bin Laden and avert a possible U.S.-led military strike against their war-battered country.One Pakistani representative said he believed the Taliban's top leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, was ``not afraid of war'' with America. Against.. More

  • UN Council Adopts Broad Counter-Terrorism Measure

    UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council adopted late on Friday a sweeping counter-terrorism resolution that demands all nations freeze finances of terrorist suspects and crack down on groups who help them.The U.S.-sponsored resolution, approved by a 15-0 vote, dramatically expands the U.N. role in building a global coalition against terrorism.. More

  • Jordan's King Pledges United Front

    WASHINGTON (AP) - King Abdullah II of Jordan told President Bush on Friday that most Arabs and Muslims were standing with the United States in the ``fight against evil,'' lending his nation's support to the U.S. counterterrorism campaign.``What these people stand for is completely against all the principles that Arab Muslims believe in,'' the king said.. More

  • WFP Sends Afghan Food Airlift, UNICEF Plans Convoy

    PESHAWAR (Reuters) - The U.N. World Food Program (WFP) began an emergency food airlift Friday in preparation for a massive effort to feed more than 1 million refugees fleeing an expected U.S. attack on Afghanistan. The operation started as some aid agencies warned they might have to use air drops if overland routes are blocked. The United Nations Children.. More

  • Trial of Christian Aid Workers to Resume in Kabul

    ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A lawyer for eight detained foreign aid workers, including two Americans, who are accused of spreading Christianity in Afghanistan left Pakistan for Kabul Friday on the eve of the next session of their trial, a German diplomat said.(Read photo caption below) Helmut Landes told Reuters that he had been informed by Afghanistan's.. More

  • Three Palestinians Killed in Gaza

    JERUSALEM (Islamweb & News Agencies) - Tens of thousands of Palestinians marched in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on Saturday in support of their uprising against Israeli occupation. Three Palestinians were killed and dozens wounded in confrontations with Israeli occupation troops.The renewed fighting raised doubts about prospects for a truce sought.. More

  • U.N. Ships Food to Afghanistan

    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Fearing widespread starvation in Afghanistan if America attacks, the United Nations on Saturday sent its first food shipments there since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a U.N. spokesman said. (Read photo caption below) In Islamabad, a spokesman for the World Food Program, Khaled Mansour, said convoys carrying 200 tons of.. More

  • Anti-Taliban Force Gathers in Rome

    ROME (AP) - Members of the opposition force fighting Afghanistan's Taliban rulers gathered Saturday to plot further steps in a reinvigorated effort to unify the country's ethnic and religious groups against the Taliban. Field commanders in the anti-Taliban alliance met at a Rome hotel with a U.S. congressman, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who said Afghans.. More

  • Saudi Says It Won't Be Base for Afghan Attacks

    RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia pledged Sunday to support a U.S.-led coalition against ``terrorism,'' but insisted it would not allow foreign forces to launch attacks against fellow Muslim Afghanistan from its territory. ``This is out of the question and no one has discussed anything of this sort with it (Saudi Arabia),'' Interior Minister Prince Nayef.. More

  • Afghan Opposition Says Taliban Fighters Deserting

    KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Several hundred Taliban fighters have defected to the Northern Alliance opposition in two different provinces of Afghanistan, opposition spokesmen said Sunday.Sayed Najibullah Hashimi told Reuters some 350 Taliban joined the opposition in the western province of Badghis on Sunday while 240 deserted Taliban ranks a day.. More

  • U.S. Seeks Approval of New Anti-Terrorism Resolution at UN Before Monday

    UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. officials late on Wednesday distributed a draft resolution on stopping the financing of clandestine groups and other counter-terrorism proposals to key U.N. Security Council members in hopes the measure could be adopted before Monday, diplomats said. (Read photo caption below) The draft also deals with immigration, extradition,.. More

  • Intifadha Rages on Despite Truce

    GAZA (Islamweb & News Agencies) - A fierce gunbattle erupted in the Gaza Strip early on Thursday, soon after Israel and the Palestinians agreed to try to forge a lasting truce that could boost U.S. efforts to create a global anti-terror alliance.One Palestinian was shot dead and at least 22 other people were wounded, four of them critically, in the.. More

  • OPEC leaves output unchanged despite falling prices

    VIENNA, (AFP) -OPEC oil ministers were to meet again Thursday to formalize an accord keeping their output unchanged despite slumping prices amid a weak global economy, slowed further by US terror attacks. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) ministers agreed to maintain the status quo in informal talks Wednesday clouded by the economic.. More