There are 17997 articles

  • Iraq Draft Sets Off Diplomatic Push

    A new U.S. draft resolution on Iraq set off a final diplomatic push for tough new weapons inspections, backed by threats of force if Saddam Hussein continues to skirt his disarmament obligations. The revised American text, a product of eight weeks of intense lobbying by the Bush administration, signaled significant progress and included major concessions.. More

  • Sharon, Netanyahu Clash on U.S. Plan

    Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his new foreign minister, Benjamin Netanyahu , had their first dispute hours after Netanyahu's appointment, media reports said Thursday, with Sharon taking his rival to task for rebuffing American peace efforts on the eve of a visit by a senior U.S. emissary. Aides said only that the two met late Wednesday night.. More

  • Police Say Minivan Owner Admits Bali Blasts Role

    Indonesian police said on Thursday the owner of a minivan used in last month's car-bomb attack in Bali had admitted being part of the group that carried out the atrocity and helped authorities push forward the investigation. National police chief Da'i Bachtiar named the car owner as Amrozi, and said he was suspected of playing a key role in the bombings.. More

  • Chirac, Putin Have Reservations Over U.N. Iraq Text

    HIGHLIGHTSFrance & Russia Want Certain Ambiguities in the U.S. Need to Be Cleared|| U.S. New Text Has One Improvement: 'Stressing UN Key Role'|| Any Risk of Automatic Recourse to Force Has to Be Excluded if Unanimity is Required|| Washington Intends to Bring Draft to a Vote Friday||STORY:France and Russia, opposed to any blank check for military action.. More

  • Occupation Troops Surround & Detain Scores of Palestinians

    HIGLIGHTS: Occupation Forces Prevent Ramadan Shoppers Returning from Ramallah to Enter their Villages in Beit Rima, Silwad and Mazraat Sharqihah|| Jenin & Nablus Focus of Detention Campaign|| Resistance Man Attacks an Internationally Illegal Settlement Killing Two Settlers and Injuring a Third Before He Was killed by an Israeli Guard|| Arafat Challenges.. More

  • Pakistan Military Cabinet Delays Parliament Opening

    HIGHLIGHTS: Decision Raises Doubts about Likelihood of Coalition Between Party of Former P.M. Bhutto & an Islamic Bloc Opposed to Musharraf|| PPP (Bhutto) & MMA (Fazal-ur-Rehman) Describe Decision as Being Undemocratic|| Delay Requested by Pro-military Pakistan Muslim League Quaid-e-Azam (PML-QA) Party with the Most Seats in Parliament But Not Enough.. More

  • Republicans grab control of U.S. Congress

    Republicans seized control of the U.S. Congress on Tuesday, reclaiming power in the Senate and expanding their majority in the House of Representatives in a historic sweep for Republican President George W. Bush . Republicans beat incumbent Democrats in Georgia and Missouri to reclaim at least a one-seat margin of power in the Senate, with races in.. More

  • Security Council Due to Get U.S. Iraq Resolution

    The United Nations is expected to receive a revised resolution from the United States on Wednesday that gives Iraq a "final opportunity" to comply with its disarmament obligations and leaves the door open for a military strike.The new text, which Washington hopes will be adopted by the end of the week, offers a follow-up role to the 15-nation Security.. More

  • A Palestinian resistance man, two settlers, shot dead in Gaza Strip

    A Palestinian resistance man killed two Jewish settlers before being shot dead near the settlement of Rafah Yam in the southern Gaza Strip, Israeli occupation army sources said.A third settler was wounded in the shootout which occurred Wednesday among greenhouses close to the settlement, part of the Gush Katif bloc.The Palestinian was killed by the.. More

  • UN to Discuss Iraq as Qatar Requests Arab Summit

    HIGHLIGHTS|||*|Washington to Circulate Revised Draft Resolution Shortly|*|Despite Reported Progress Wide Differences Persist Between Five Permanent UN Security Council Members|*|Observers Say Qatar's Request for Arab Summit Reflects Growing International Anxiety About U.S. Intentions Vis-à-vis Iraq|*|Party that Won Turkey's Recent General Elections.. More

  • Israeli Occupation Troops Kill Eight Palestinians, as Resistance Bomber Kills Two Israelis

    HIGHLIGHTS|||*|Israel Uses a Predator Drone, Similar to that Used in Yemen, to Assassinate Hamed Sadr of Hamas Killing Another Palestinian in the Attempt in Nablus|*|Netanyahu Launches Campaign to Unseat Sharon|*|Palestinian & EU Officials Voice Concern Early Israeli Elections Would Stir More Turmoil in the Middle East Before the Nationwide Vote|*|___________.. More

  • U.S. Hails Attack on Car, Yemen Silent

    HIGHLIGHTS: |||*|Sanaa Offers Safety to Repenting Qaeda Fighters|*|Washington Praises Sanaa's Cooperation|*|Yemeni Investigations Are Continuing|*|Interior Minister Reports to Cabinet in Sanaa|*|U.S. Embassy in Yemen Closed for a Security Review||______STORYU.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said on Tuesday an attack on a car in Yemen at the.. More

  • Sharon Calls New Israel Elections

    In a surprise move, Prime Minister Ariel Sharondissolved parliament Tuesday and called new elections for early February after he failed to rebuild his crumbling government. The dramatic developments throw Israel into a turbulent election campaign at a time when the nation is facing severe problems - the 2-year-old conflict with the Palestinians, a deepening.. More

  • U.S. Gains Mexican Support on Iraq

    The United States won over Mexico, a key vote on the U.N. Security Council, with a revised resolution on Iraq, but Russia and France are waiting to see if the new U.S. draft meets their main demand, preventing an automatic attack on Baghdad. The Bush administration has been going over the revised text, hoping to circulate it to the U.N. Security Council.. More

  • Turkey Victors Mull Premier Choice

    The man who led an Islamic-rooted party to victory in Turkey's elections - but is barred from office - said he won't run the government from behind the scenes, as his party tried Tuesday to decide whom to name as prime minister. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the popular boss of the Justice and Development Party, cannot hold office because of a 1999 conviction.. More