There are 17997 articles

  • U.S., Jordan to stage mock war games in southern Jordanian desert

    U.S. troops will hold military maneuvers in Jordan to help develop the Jordanian army's defense capabilities, a Cabinet official said in Amman Monday. The two-week mock war games are scheduled to begin next week in southern Jordan, Information Minister Mohammad Affash Adwan told The Associated Press without elaborating. Such military exercises are usually.. More

  • Israeli Occupation Troops Kill Palestinian Resistance Activist in W. Bank

    HIGHLIGHTS: Occupation Army Gives Conflicting Reports on Circumstance Leading to the Fatal Shooting of Activist||An Explosion Injures an Israeli Man Near Jenin||Ben-Eliezer Claims Demolitions Deter Resistance Bombers|| STORY: Israeli occupatgion soldiers shot dead a Palestinian Resistance manin a West Bank village Monday in a new spasm of violence that.. More

  • US targets some 500 Muslim, Arab businesses for suspect criminal activity

    US officials are investigating hundreds of Muslim and Arab small businesses suspected of sending money raised through criminal activity in the United States to terrorist groups overseas. The Washington Post reported Monday the investigation into some 500 Arab and Muslim businesses -- many of them convenience stores -- was initiated after the September.. More

  • North and South Korea End First Round of Talks

    North and South Korea ended an initial round of high-level talks Monday and gave little away about what had been discussed. The talks lasted just over an hour, and the delegations were expected to dine together later. The negotiations resume Tuesday. Asked what the outcome of the three-day talks would be, North Korean delegation chief Kim Ryung-sung.. More

  • Saudi foreign minister: Al-Qaida terror suspects being interrogated in Saudi Arabia

    HIGHLIGHTS: Information Obtained From Captives was Being Made Available to Washington||Saudi Soil Would Not Be Used as Launching Pad for Attack against Iraq||American Senator Describes Saudi-U.S. Relations as 'Marriage of Convenience'|| STORY: Sixteen suspected al-Qaida fighters who fled Afghanistan were handed over by Iran to Saudi Arabia, which is.. More

  • Five Killed in Middle East, U.S. Talks 'Positive'

    Fresh violence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip brought to at least five the number of deaths over the weekend, as U.S. and Palestinian officials held security talks in Washington which Yasser Arafat called "very positive."Israeli occupation soldiers killed a Palestinian gunman in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, and a Palestinian infiltrated the internationally.. More

  • Iraq Prepares Youths for War; U.S. Senators Divided over Iraq

    Firing pistols and AK-47s while studying Islam and history - Firing pistols and AK-47s while studying Islam and history - "Saddam's Cubs" have swapped soccer clubs for military camps this summer in readiness to defend Iraq, they say, from "our enemies.""We are sharp swords in the hand of President Saddam Hussein to be used to fight our enemies," 14-year-old.. More

  • Saddam promises to let in arms inspectors

    HIGHLIGHTS: Saddam was Interviewed by George Galloway, a Labour Left-wing Member of Parliament||Interview Seen as an Attempt to Drive Wedge Between Britain and America||In Washington, U.S., Iraqi Opposition Discuss Government After Saddam|| STORY: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has told a British member of parliament that he will implement United Nations.. More

  • Israeli Occupation Troops Kill Palestinian Resistance Man in Gaza

    Israeli occupation soldiers killed a Palestinian Resistance manin the Gaza Strip on Sunday just hours after U.S.-Palestinian security talks in Washington that Palestinian President Yasser Arafat called "very positive."In other confrontations an armed Palestinian infiltrated the Jewish settlement of Mehora in the West Bank, killing a woman and wounding.. More

  • Iran Delivers Qaeda Fighters to Saudis

    Iran detained and later handed over to Saudi Arabia 16 al Qaeda fighters who sought refuge in the Islamic republic after fleeing Afghanistan, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal told The Washington Post in an interview published Sunday. The prince said a group of Saudi officials traveled to Iran in May to question the 16 Saudi fighters from.. More

  • Settler, 2 Palestinians Killed as Palestinians Meet with CIA Chief

    HIGHTLIGHTS: al-Yahya & Tenet Discuss Reform of Palestinian Security Forces||Egypt to Try Rekindle Palestinian-Israeli Security Talks||Intifadha Claims Six More Lives||SH Yassin Meets Catholic Patriarch Sabah|| STORY: A Palestinian Resistance man was shot dead after he killed an Israeli woman during a raid on a West Bank settlement, capping a day that.. More

  • Baghdad Keeps up Invective as US Confers with Iraqi Opposition Leaders

    HIGHLIGHTS: Opposition Confers Via Video Link with Dick Cheney||Iraq Threatens Americans & Regional Stability if Washington Attacks Baghdad||Bush Describes Saddam as A 'Danger' & An 'Enemy'|| STORY: Senior US officials consulted with Iraqi opposition leaders as Baghdad stuck to hard-line invective against the "delinquent clique" in Washington. Representative.. More

  • Turk PM Appoints New Econ Minister as Dervis Quits

    Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit appointed the little-known MP Masum Turker as crisis-hit Turkey's new economy minister on Saturday after the resignation of respected economist Kemal Dervis earlier in the day. Former World Banker Dervis was the architect of a multi-billion dollar IMF plan that saved Turkey's economy from collapse last year. Markets.. More

  • Three Palestinians Die in Gaza; Talks in Washington over Security Reform Continue

    HIGHTLIGHTS: Eight Injured Including Four Children||ThreeMore Palestinians Die of Previous Injuries||Palestinian Delegation Conferred with Burns Friday, to Meet Tenet Saturday||Arafat Accepts Foreign Involvement in Reforming His Security Forces||Palestinian Minister of the Interior Endorses Israel Withdrawal|| STORY: Three more Palestinians died in.. More

  • Ivanov, Annan against Military Solution in Iraq

    HIGHLIGHTS: Russian Foreign Minister & UN Chief Discuss Situation on the Phone||Bush May Not Make Decision on Iraq this Year||U.S. Republican Majority Leader of the House of Representatives Opposed to Unprovoked Military Action Against Iraq|| STORY: Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan are agreed on the.. More