There are 17997 articles

  • Four Indian Troops Killed in Kashmir Rebel Attack

    Four Indian soldiers were killed and seven wounded when separatist militants using rocket-propelled grenades attacked a security post in disputed Kashmir Sunday, police said.The attack came less than a week after a raid by suspected Pakistan-based militants on an army camp in Kashmir killed 31 people, many of them wives and children of soldiers. The.. More

  • Blast Near Militia Office in Iran

    An explosion near offices of a hard-line militia in Iran injured two pedestrians and caused minor damage, state radio reported Sunday. The People's Mujahedeen, a group seeking the overthrow of Iran's ruling clerics, claimed responsibility for the blast late Saturday near offices of the basij, or volunteer corps, under the powerful Revolutionary Guards.In.. More

  • Israeli Convoy Attacked in Gaza Strip; Four Occupation Soldiers Wounded

    HIGHLIGHTS: Shots Were Fired At Occupation Soldiers After Jeep Overturned on the Karni-Netzarim Road||Israeli Tank Lightly Damaged When Another Explosive Device Was Activated Same Area||STORY: Four Israeli occupation soldiers were lightly injured Sunday morning when shots were fired at them on the Karni-Netzarim road in the Gaza Strip, causing their.. More

  • Arafat to Meet on Election As Intifadha Confrontations Continue

    HIGHLIGHTS:Arafat Rejects Cabinet Offer to Resign|| Abdel al-Sattar Qassem Would Challenge Arafat If Presidential Elections Were to Be Called||Peres Re-issues Peace Plan||STORY: President Yasser Arafat summoned the Palestinian election committee for a meeting on Sunday after raising doubts about a vote he promised and rejecting his cabinet's offer to.. More

  • EU Strikes Deal on Palestinian Exiles

    HIGHLIGHTS: 6 EU States Will Take 12 & 13th Remains in Cyprus|| Exiles Will Be Protected From Prosecution 'On humanitarian grounds'||Exiles Won't Be Granted Right to Go Abroad||STORY: EU president Spain has brokered a deal in which six European Union member states will take 12 of the 13 exiled Palestinian militants freed from the Church of the Nativity,.. More

  • Threat of New Anti-U.S. Attacks

    HIGHLIGHTS: Planned Attack as Big or Bigger Than Sep. Attacks||Intercepted Messages Deliberately Vague To Leave US Concerned Officials Uncertain About Timing||Use of Chemical or Biological or Nuclear Weapons Feared||STORY: U.S. officials have detected "enhanced activity of concern" in intelligence gathered in recent weeks and months about a possible.. More

  • Palestinian Doctor Killed at Israeli Checkpoint North of Hebron

    A Palestinian doctor was killed Saturday near Hebron, in the southern West Bank, after Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint fired at his moving car and it flipped over, Israeli military sources said. (Read photo caption)Israeli public radio identified him as Mahmud Ali Zahaika, from the Jabel Mukaber neighbourhood of east Jerusalem. The incident occurred.. More

  • Arab States Make Mideast Conference Conditional on Israel's Pull out From Palestinian-Ruled Territory

    HIGHLIGHTS: 'Occupation, murder and sabotaged must stop first,' Amr Moussa||Quartet Group Proposed Conference After the Arab Beirut Summit in April||STORY: Arab foreign ministers meeting in Beirut, Lebanon said Saturday Israel has to withdraw it occupation troops from Palestinian-ruled territory first before any serious discussions on convening an internation.. More

  • Hamas Ready to Stop Resistance Bombings; PA Central Elections Committee to Convene

    HIGHLIGHTS: 'Hams Bombings a Response to Killing Palestinian Civilians,' Sheikh Yassin||Palestinian Resistance Attacker Killed North of Ramalllah||'Arafat's Pull out Election Condition Refer toSituation in Territories Before Aqsa Intifadha,' Top Palestinian Officials||STORY: Hamas, the Palestinian resistance movement, is ready to halt attacks on Israeli.. More

  • Pakistan Urges Talks Despite India Expelling Envoy

    HIGHLIGHTS: 'India's Decision Disappointing,' Aziz Khan||Diplomatic Dealings Practically Frozen Since December||Kashmiri Resistance Attack on Army Camp Behind Latest Rise in Tensions||STORY: Pakistan said Saturday India's decision to expel its ambassador would add to tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbors, but urged New Delhi to resolve differences.. More

  • Arafat Links Elections To Israeli Pull Out

    HIGHLIGHTS: 4 Palestinians Killed Including a 7-year Old Boy ||Palestinian Resistance Man Attacks a Gaza Settlement|| Egypt & Russia Discuss Middle East Conference||Hamas Spiritual Leader Says Resistance Bombings Against Israeli Targets Will Continue||STORY: Israeli occupation troops Friday swept through Jenin, its neighbouring refugee camp and other.. More

  • U.S. Bombing Kills 10 in Afghanistan

    HIGHLIGHTS: US Planes Mistake Firing at Wedding for an Attack||An Australian Patrol Party Fired upon in Eastern Afghanistan||British and Australian Troops Launch Condor, a New Search & Destroy Operation in South Eastern Afghanistan||STORY: At least 10 people were killed and several wounded when U.S. warplanes bombed a village in eastern Afghanistan,a.. More

  • Pakistani Police Unsure if Body Is Pearl's

    Pakistani police dug up a grave on Friday revealing a torso and severed head but said they were still unsure if the body was that of murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Information Minister Nisar Memon cast doubt on initial reports that the body was Pearl's, saying he believed this was not the case. (Read photo caption)The remains were.. More

  • Arafat: No Palestinian Elections

    Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said Friday that there would be no general elections until after the end of Israel's military occupation. A senior Arafat aide, Ahmed Abdel Rahman, had said Thursday that the Palestinian leader agreed to hold presidential and parliamentary elections within six months. There was no immediate explanation for the differing.. More

  • Israeli Occupation Troops End A Brief Sweep Through Jenin Refugee Camp

    HIGHLIGHTS: House of Hamas Jenin Leader Jamal Abu al-Haija Set Ablaze||Palestinian Resistance Man Killed As He Attacks An Israeli Settlement in Gaza Strip||Incursions Into Nablus & Al-Beireh||STORY: Israeli occupation forces pushed back into the Jenin refugee camp in a sweep for suspected Palestinian Resistance men early on Friday, returning to the.. More