There are 17995 articles

  • Uncertainty reigns as the UK triggers Brexit

    UK Prime Minister Theresa May has triggered the formal two-year process of negotiations that will lead to Britain leaving the European Union after 44 years in a process popularly known as Brexit. A letter invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and officially notifying the EU of Britain's decision to withdraw from the bloc was hand-delivered to European.. More

  • Arab Summit opens in Jordan amid regional turmoil

    Arab leaders are convening near the Jordanian Dead Sea for the 28th annual summit of the Arab League, as the region faces distressing turmoil and political challenges. Sixteen heads of states out of the 22-member confederation of Arab countries are expected to attend Wednesday's meeting, including Saudi Arabia's King Salman, president of the Palestinian.. More

  • US 'probably' involved in mass Iraqi civilian deaths

    The top US commander in Iraq on Tuesday acknowledged the likelihood that the US-led coalition played a role in blasts in Mosul that killed many civilians this month, but said an investigation was under way and ISIL may also be to blame. "My initial assessment is that we probably had a role in these casualties... What I don't know is were they.. More

  • Major powers skip UN talks to ban nuclear weapons

    The U.S., the U.K. and France are among nearly 40 countries that are not taking part in a series of UN talks in New York starting Monday for the "total elimination" of nuclear weapons. The U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, was joined Monday morning by her U.K. counterpart Matthew Rycroft and French Deputy Ambassador Alexis Lamek in.. More

  • Hamas eases Gaza lockdown amid manhunt

    Hamas authorities partially reopened the crossing between the Gaza Strip and Israel on Monday, after a one-day closure following the assassination of one of the group's top commanders. "From Monday morning, travel through the Beit Hanoun [Erez] crossing will be permitted temporarily for some categories," a statement from Iyad al-Bozum, a.. More

  • Russia detains hundreds in anti-corruption protests

    Russian police have detained more than 500 people during protests against corruption across the country, local media reported on Sunday. The protests led by the opposition leader Alexei Navalny took place in several Russian cities including Moscow and St. Petersburg. Over 8,000 people attended the rallies. Navalny is among the detained protesters,.. More

  • Moroccan PM forms cabinet, ending five-month crisis

    Morocco's new Prime Minister Saad Eddine el-Othmani has succeeded in building a governing coalition, ending a five-month political deadlock after only eight days in office. El-Othmani, 61, of the Islamist Party for Justice and Development, or PJD, announced in a press conference in Rabat on Saturday that an "agreement has been reached" with.. More

  • Kremlin critic detained as thousands defy protest bans

    Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny and dozens others have been detained as thousands of people across Russia defied bans on rallies to protest against government corruption. The demonstrations on Sunday were organised by Navalny, a Kremlin critic and anti-corruption campaigner, who urged people to take to the streets to demand the resignation.. More

  • Erdogan: Turkey may hold EU accession referendum

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Turkey may hold a referendum on whether to carry on with negotiations about joining the European Union. Turkey, which applied for EU membership in 1987, began accession talks in 2005. Yet, negotiations have moved very slowly due to disagreements over Cyprus and other issues. Speaking on Saturday at.. More

  • Senior Hamas member assassinated in Gaza Strip

    Unknown assailants in the Gaza Strip have shot dead a senior Hamas member, officials in Gaza said, blaming Israel for the killing. Iyad al-Bozum, an interior ministry spokesman in the Gaza Strip, said that gunmen opened fire on Mazen Faqha in the Tell al-Hama neighborhood, adding that an investigation into the incident has been launched. "Hamas.. More

  • Coalition says it hit Mosul site where civilians died

    The US-led coalition bombing positions in Iraq has admitted that it carried out air raids last week at a location in west Mosul where officials and residents say scores of civilians were killed. The acknowledgement on Saturday came hours after the United Nations said it was "stunned" by the reported deaths of civilians in suspected coalition.. More

  • Deadly air raid hits refugee shelter near Raqqa: SOHR

    Dozens of people were killed earlier this week in a suspected US-led coalition air raid that hit a school sheltering displaced people near Raqqa, according to a monitoring group. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Wednesday that its contacts had counted at least 33 bodies at the site near the village of al-Mansoura, west of Raqqa. The.. More

  • Israel built 2,630 illegal homes in West Bank last year

    Israel built 2,630 illegal settler homes in the occupied West Bank in 2016, an increase of 40 percent compared with numbers from 2015. According to figures released by Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics on Wednesday, construction was at its "second highest" in 15 years, falling slightly short of the 2,874 illegal homes built in 2013. Citing.. More

  • Turkey protests against Norway giving officers asylum

    The Norwegian ambassador to Ankara has been summoned to Turkey’s foreign ministry after Norway granted political asylum to five former Turkish military officers allegedly involved in a July coup attempt, a ministry spokesperson said. The asylum seekers, who had been ordered to return to Turkey, include a former military attache and four military.. More

  • Israeli shelling kills Palestinian, injures 2 in Gaza

    A Palestinian teenager was killed and two others were injured early Wednesday by an Israeli shelling in the southern Gaza Strip, according to Gaza’s health ministry. In a statement, ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra identified the dead Palestinian as Yousef Shaban Abu Adra, 18. Two other people were injured in Israeli shelling in Rafah south.. More