There are 17997 articles

  • US Vetoes UN Resolution on Yassin Killing

    The United States has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution seeking to condemn Israel's assassination of Hamas spiritual leader, Shaikh Ahmad Yassin. Three days of negotiations failed to find a compromise on the council, where the United States has regularly used its veto power as a permanent member to block measures condemning Israel. US ambassador.. More

  • Nine Killed in East Turkey Quake

    An earthquake has hit eastern Turkey, killing at least nine people, including seven children, Turkish media report. Dozens were injured as houses collapsed in three villages hit by the moderately strong quake in the province of Erzurum at 1930 GMT on Thursday. Some people were treated in hospital for shock, Anatolia news agency said. Turkey is.. More

  • Blair, Kadhafi Summit Ends with Call to Fight against Al-Qaeda

    British Prime Minister offered a "hand of partnership" to Libyan leader Colonel Moamer Kadhafi here Thursday and said Tripoli had set an example of the Arab world working with the West after 9/11. After a landmark meeting and handshakes that came three months after Libya's decision to abandon weapons of mass destruction, Blair spoke of "real hope.. More

  • Israel 'Fabricated' Child-Bomber Story

    Palestinian leaders have accused Israel of fabricating a story about a 14-year-old Palestinian boy who planned to blow himself up. The Israeli army said he was caught wearing an explosive belt at an army roadblock in the northern West Bank. The boy, identified as Husam Abdu from Nablus, was shown on TV screens around the world, with an explosive.. More

  • Two US Soldiers, Three Iraqis Killed, Suicide Rate among Occupation Troops Higher than Average

    Iraqi fighters attacked an American patrol north of Baghdad and a gunbattle left one soldier and three fighters dead, the US Army said Thursday. The fighting took place Wednesday near the town of Taji, some 20 kilometers north of Baghdad, said Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the U.S. military's deputy director of operations. A U.S. soldier was also injured,.. More

  • Blair-Gadaffi Set to Meet

    Britain's Tony Blair will make an historic visit to Libya today, an important step towards bringing Libya in from the diplomatic cold. Blair will meet Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi in a tent on the outskirts of Tripoli, a senior UK government official told reporters yesterday. He will be the first British prime minister to visit Libya since Winston.. More

  • US Threat Claim is Cynical Diversion, Says Hamas

    Hamas has flatly denied American accusations that the resistance group has threatened US interests after the assassination by Israel of Shaikh Ahmad Yasin. "Hamas does not threaten America and does not threaten any country in the world. We have one enemy. It is the Zionist enemy that occupies our lands and kills our people," said Hamas leader in Gaza.. More

  • U.N. and Kosovo Policemen Killed in Patrol Attack

    A United Nations policeman and a Kosovo police officer were killed in an attack on a U.N. car near Pristina late on Tuesday, the chief of Kosovo police said. The attack, in the village of Luzane some 12 miles north of the Kosovo capital, followed two days of relative quiet in a region that was shaken by Albanian-Serb ethnic violence this month. Twenty-eigh.. More

  • Hundreds of Iraqi Detainees Freed

    Hundreds of detainees, many held for several months after being arrested by US-led occupation forces in Iraq, have been released from prisons, a US military officer said. "We no longer consider them a security threat to the coalition," said Colonel Jill Morgenthaler. She said a total of 494 prisoners, picked up in security operations, were freed.. More

  • Israel to Continue Assassination Policy

    Israel will continue its policy of "liquidating terrorists", Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz has said. The decision to continue the policy of "targeted killings" was taken during a meeting of military and security leaders at the Defence Ministry in Tel Aviv, Israeli army radio reported on Tuesday. Mofaz' statements came one day after the assassination.. More

  • Killer of Swedish FM Lindh to be Sentenced

    More than six months after Sweden's popular foreign minister Anna Lindh was knifed to death while shopping for clothes in a chic department store, Swedes will finally see her killer sentenced on Tuesday. Brushing aside last-ditch attempts to get her self-confessed attacker, 25-year old Mijailo Mijailovic, off the hook, a Stockholm court last week.. More

  • Tunnel Found in Pakistan Hunt for 'High-Value Target'

    The much-talked about 'high-value target' being hunted by Pakistani troops during their massive operation against foreign militants and their local protectors in the South Waziristan area near the Afghan border may have escaped through a tunnel discovered on Monday during a temporary suspension of military action. According to Brigadier Mehmood Shah,.. More

  • British Soldiers Hurt in Basra Explosions

    Two explosions in the southern Iraqi city of Basra wounded 13 British soldiers yesterday, in an attack that followed a demonstration by unemployed youths, the British military said. "None of the injuries is thought to be life-threatening," a spokesman for the Ministry of Defence in London said. A military spokesman in Basra said the blasts followed.. More

  • Palestinians Mourn Hamas Founder's Killing

    The body of Shaikh Ahmad Yasin has been carried through the streets of Gaza City by resistance fighters at the start of his funeral. Tens of thousands of mourners accompanied the cortege on Monday as it made its way through the streets of the main Palestinian state with his coffin draped in the green flag of the movement that he founded. The procession.. More

  • Occupation Soldier, Iraqi Interpreter Killed West of Baghdad

    Unidentified attackers killed a U.S. soldier and an Iraqi interpreter with a roadside bomb as they were carrying out a patrol west of Baghdad, the U.S. military said Monday. The incident took place Saturday evening, as a group of soldiers were moving through Abu Ghraib city on the western outskirts of the capital. "A Task Force 1st Armored Division.. More