There are 17997 articles

  • US Courts Rebuke Bush on Guantanamo Detentions

    Two influential U.S. courts dealt a double blow to the Bush administration's anti-terror policies on Thursday by ruling the government was violating the civil rights of so-called "enemy combatants" held in a South Carolina navy prison and at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The findings by the powerful federal appeals courts in New York and San Francisco were.. More

  • 23 Years for Bosnian War Criminal Nikolic

    The International War Crimes tribunal in The Hague has sentenced Dragan Nikolic to 23 years in prison for human rights offences committed during the Bosnian war. Nikolic was the former Bosnian Serb commander of the Susica detention camp in Eastern Bosnia where, in 1992, he murdered and tortured Muslim prisoners with axe handles and metal pipes, and.. More

  • Russian President to Run for Second Term

    Vladimir Putin surprised no-one when he announced he would run for a second term as Russian President next March. Riding high in opinion polls and buoyed by the crushing victory of his allies in parliamentary elections earlier this month, Putin confirmed he would stand during a TV phone-in: " I was planning to make my intentions clear in the next.. More

  • Israeli Army Kills Five Palestinians in Nablus

    Israeli forces killed five Palestinians early Thursday in Nablus. The operation, which began Tuesday, is directed at Fatah-Tanzim cells in the West Bank city, which Israel claims are responsible for the most recent attempts to send suicide bombers to carry out attacks inside Israel. According to Israeli reports, in one of the incidents, three Palestinian.. More

  • US Soldier Killed in Iraq Ambush; Deadly Tanker Truck Blast was Accident

    Another US soldier was killed in Iraq, taking the US troop combat toll to nearly 200 since major hosilities were declared over, while the US military said a deadly tanker truck explosion in Baghdad was caused by an accident, not a bomb. The latest US troop fatality came in an ambush Wednesday night on a vehicle patrol in the capital's Karkh district,.. More

  • Chirac Makes Stand on Secularism, Backs Hijab Ban

    The French president has backed a proposed new law which would ban the Islamic headscarf and other religious insignia from the classroom. Jacques Chirac said on Wednesday that a law is necesary to safeguard the nation's secular identity. He said: "The Islamic veil... the kippa and a cross that is of manifestly excessive dimensions - these have.. More

  • Many Killed in Baghdad Blast

    A bomb has exploded in Baghdad, causing a huge ball of fire that engulfed a minibus carrying several passengers. Police said a roadside bomb placed near a fuel truck caused the explosion that killed 17 Iraqis and wounded several more. Aljazeera's correspondent said the bomb went off in the Bayya district around 08:30 local time on Wednesday morning... More

  • Chirac to Unveil Decision on Muslim Headscarves

    Will coming to school wearing an Islamic headscarf soon be against the law in France? That is what the country's Muslims are waiting to find out today as President Jacques Chirac announces whether veils are to be banned in state schools. He will tell the nation of his decision in a televised message. Although the contents of his speech have been.. More

  • One Palestinian Child Wounded during Israeli Raid on Nablus

    Fifty Israeli armoured vehicles, including tanks, moved into a Palestinian refugee camp near the West Bank town of Nablus early Tuesday, Palestinian security sources said. There were exchanges of fire at the start of the Israeli operation which was backed up by two helicopter gunships, the sources added, giving no report of casualties. But later.. More

  • 'My Dad's a Lion Even When Caged' Says Saddam's Daughter

    Saddam Hussein's family wants the former leader to be tried by an international court instead of a special tribunal set up by the US-installed Iraqi Governing Council, one of his daughters said on Tuesday. Raghad Saddam Hussein said her father appeared sedated in footage released Sunday by the US-led occupation authority after his capture near.. More

  • Sharon Could Face Fraud Charges

    Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon's son complied with a court order to hand over documents sought by police investigating a series of political funding scandals involving his father. Gilad Sharon's lawyers brought boxes of documents to the national fraud squad in time to meet a Tuesday deadline set by the Israeli Supreme Court, police spokesperson.. More

  • US Troops Kill 11 Iraqis as Pro-Saddam Demonstrations Held in Iraqi Cities

    American occupation soldiers shot dead 11 Iraqis, who tried to ambush their force in a town north of Baghdad Monday, the U.S. military said Tuesday. The American announcement added U.S. forces suffered no casualties in the incident in the town of Samarra, some 100 kilometers north of the capital. On November 30th, US Army officers reported a massive.. More

  • Milosevic still Stubborn and Petulant, Clark Says after Trial Hearing

    Former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic remains stubborn and petulant in the face of charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, former NATO commander Wesley Clark said after testifying to a UN court. I saw no change in his demeanor, no change in his stubborness, no change in his petulance ... it was very familiar," said Clark,.. More

  • Rocket Attack on Afghan Capital

    An overnight rocket attack on the capital increased the sense of urgency at Afghanistan's landmark constitutional convention Tuesday, but caused no casualties. Three rockets came down in the early morning hours near the airport about 6 miles away from where the loya jirga, or grand council, is drawing up the country's first post-Taliban charter. Some.. More

  • At Least 9 Russian Guards Killed Near Chechnya

    Armed attackers stormed into a village near Chechnya early Monday, killing at least nine Russian border guards and taking four hostages as they fled, a local official said. A regional interior ministry spokesman in the Russian region of Dagestan on the Caspian Sea said heavily-armed Chechens, numbering up to 60, burst into the mountain village of.. More