There are 17997 articles

  • Palestinian Leader's Trial Opens in Israel

    The trial of Marwan Barghouti, the highest-ranking Palestinian political leader in Israeli custody, opened Sunday in a Tel Aviv court with Barghouti refusing to contest the murder charges against him and flashing V-signs at friends. Barghouti is accused of complicity in attacks by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement in which 26 Israelis.. More

  • Russian Diplomatic Convoy Fired on Way Out from Baghdad; Iraq Claims to Kill 50 US Invasion Soldiers

    Iraq said its troops destroyed or damaged 16 US tanks close to Baghdad airport overnight and killed around 50 US invasion soldiers. "Republican Guards are still tightening the noose around the US enemy in the area surrounding the airport," said Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf. "We destroyed six tanks and damaged 10 others and killed 50.. More

  • Iraq Says Chemical Ali Alive; U.S. Says Guard Dead

    The U.S. invasion military said on Sunday a bodyguard of Iraqi commander "Chemical Ali" was killed in a precision airstrike, but Iraq dismissed reports the military chief himself may have died in the attack. Asked whether Chemical Ali had been killed when U.S. invasion forces bombed his house in the southern city of Basra early on Saturday, Information.. More

  • Israel Girds for US-British Pressure on 'Road Map'

    Israel on Sunday hammered home its demand for a Palestinian crackdown on resistance men as a condition for implementing a peace "road map" as it prepared for possible pressure at a U.S.-British summit to accept the plan. "The entire move depends on whether it indeed transpires that Abu Mazen is capable of wielding real authority to stop terrorist activities,.. More

  • Friendly Fire Attack on U.S. Troops in N Iraq Kills 10 to 12

    A U.S. warplane bombed U.S. special forces and Kurdish civilians in a convoy on Sunday, killing at least 10 to 12 of them in a "friendly fire" incident in northern Iraq, said a BBC correspondent who witnessed the event.The reporter, the BBC's World Affairs Editor John Simpson, told the television: "I have counted 10 to 12 bodies...Americans dead.""This.. More

  • Massive Explosions Rock Baghdad, Rivals Saddam and Bush Hold War Councils

    Massive explosions rocked central Baghdad overnight as US President George W. Bush held a "war council" and his Iraqi counterpart Saddam Hussein was shown meeting with his aides. The unusually powerful blasts began just after midnight Sunday (2000 GMT Saturday) and were still reverberating half an hour later, an AFP correspondent in the Iraqi capital.. More

  • No sign of Americans in Baghdad

    There was no sign of a US military presence in Baghdad despite American officials' claim that coalition troops were in town to stay, AFP correspondents reported. On the west bank of the Tigris river where most government buildings are based, quiet had returned after a tense morning, enforced by patrolling soldiers and other heavily armed men. Many of.. More

  • Israeli Occupation Forces Kill Palestinian; U.S. Activist Hurt

    Israeli occupation troops killed a Palestinian resistance man who fired on an internationally illegal Jewish settlement in the West Bank on Saturday, the occupation army said, and U.S. peace activist Brian Avery was severely wounded in the face in another incident. Witnesses said an apparent ricochet bullet from an Israeli armored vehicle while in the.. More

  • Fedayeen Militiamen Reappear in Baghdad

    A truck full of Iraqi soldiers was seen moving through the streetsof Baghdad but it is not known where the troops were coming from or heading to.An Iraq military truck crossed the streets of Baghdad, on Saturday(April 5), loaded with Republican Guard soldiers shouting and waving their weapons in the air. It was not clear what destination the truck was.. More

  • US Invasion Forces Use Explosives at Baghdad Airport

    Using tactics similar to those employed at the caves of Afghanistan , U.S. forces sought to clear Baghdad's international airport Saturday of Iraqi resistance - both above and below ground. An extensive underground network has been found at the airfield, according to Lt. Col. Lee Fetterman, commander of the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Brigade, of the 101st.. More

  • Iraq Rebuffs Claims About US Troops in The Heart of Baghdad

    Iraq's Information Minister said on Saturday that Baghdad was firmly under Iraqi control and denied U.S. reports that troops had reached the center of the capital. Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf also reiterated that Iraqi troops had defeated U.S. invasion forces at Baghdad airport overnight. U.S. officers say they are in control. Asked about U.S... More

  • Sahaf Says Iraq Has Regained Control of Saddam Airport

    Iraqi information minister, Mohammad Saeed al-Sahaf said that the elite forces of the Iraqi Republican Guard have regained control of the Saddam airport. The minister added that the US forces that entered the airport yesterday were crushed. Sahaf meanwhile promised when possible to take journalist in a tour of the airport to prove his statements. According.. More

  • US Tank Commander Shot Dead in Move on Baghdad

    A US tank commander was shot and killed and two other invasion soldiers were wounded during a drive through the centre of Baghdad where they encountered intense Iraqi fire, a senior officer said. "We had one KIA (killed in action)," Colonel David Perkins, commander of the 2nd Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division, told AFP. Asked how he was killed, Perkins.. More

  • US Forces Pound Eastern Baghdad Through the Night

    U.S. planes and artillery launched a blistering barrage against Baghdad's eastern flank early on Saturday in what appeared to be a new focus of attack on the Iraqi capital, witnesses said. Reuter's correspondents in the city said they heard intense blasts of artillery fire, as well as surface-to-air missiles and bombs going off in the distance. The.. More

  • Iraq Promises Unconventional Counterattack Against Invasion Troops as Resistance Bombers Kill 3 US Soldiers

    The Iraqi information minister, Mohammad Saeed al-Sahaf promised Friday that his nation's military would launch an "unconventional" counterattack against the invasion troops. "We will do something which I believe is very beautiful," said Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf at a Baghdad news conference, adding that the Iraqis planned to strike back "in.. More