There are 910 articles

  • Wetting the Ihraam (ritual consecration) clothes with juice does not invalidate the Ihraam

    Question I assumed Ihraam from the Meeqaat (designated point to enter Ihraam). Later on, my friend spilled juice on my Ihraam clothes. Does this invalidate my Ihraam? Am I required to expiate for this? Answer All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu.. More

  • ‘Umrah (lesser pilgrimage) with remainder of money donated for treatment

    Question Some people donated money to treat a sick person. After the treatment was over, there was a sum of money left enough for him to perform ‘Umrah. Is it permissible for him to perform ‘Umrah with that money? Answer All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah,.. More

  • No harm if the Niqaab (face-cover) touches the skin during Ihraam

    Question I wear the Niqaab, and all praise is due to Allah for this. I want to perform ‘Umrah (lesser-pilgrimage). I know that there is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding women covering their face in the state of Ihraam (ritual consecration). Indeed, you know that there is overcrowding as well as non-Mahram (i.e., marriageable).. More

  • Some Violations of Invocation - II

    1. Innovations in supplication. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "Whoever innovates something in the religion that is not in it, his innovation will be rejected." It is impermissible to innovate a certain way for invocation and adhere to it or ask others to adhere to it. Some of these innovations are: • Collective.. More

  • Some Violations of Invocation - I

    The one who invokes Allah The Almighty should avoid some matters that Muslims were ordered to avoid during invoking Allah The Almighty according to Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) texts. Some of these matters are: 1.Invoking any other than Allah The Almighty. This is one of the greatest violations as invoking any other than Allah is major Shirk.. More

  • Meanings of Creed as Derived from the Obligation of Hajj - II

    Third: Honoring the Symbols and sacred Ordinances of Allah The Almighty Allah The Almighty Says, after mentioning a set of rulings on Hajj, (what means): {That [has been commanded], and whoever honors the sacred Ordinances of Allah - it is best for him in the Sight of his Lord.} [Quran 22:30] The sacred ordinances intended here are the acts of.. More

  • Harms of Delaying the Hajj - II

    Those who have no money and neither hope for Hajj, nor think about it nor long for it: This type is in danger as well. We would advise these people to have a good intention and always long for seeing the Sacred House of Allah. When Allah The Almighty knows about their good intention and will to perform Hajj, He might provide them with what enables.. More

  • Harms of Delaying the Hajj - I

    How could a faithful believer accept to leave off Hajj given his capability of fulfilling it with his property and body, when he knows that it is among the obligatory duties and fundamental pillars of Islam? How could one greedily withhold his property from performing this obligatory duty, given that he spends it on what his soul desires? How could.. More

  • Inclining Hearts

    Dear brothers and sisters in faith, Listen with me to the supplications of Ibraaheem Al-Khaleel (the close friend of Allah The Almighty), may Allah exalt his mention, when he was entreating The Almighty saying: {Our Lord, I have settled some of my descendants in an uncultivated valley near Your sacred House, our Lord, that they may establish prayer... More

  • There is Neither Rafath (Sexual Relations), nor Disobedience nor Disputing During Hajj - II

    {...and no disobedience...} [Quran 2:197] Disobedience is forbidden at all times, but it is even more forbidden during Hajj. Disobedience is failing to obey Allah The Almighty, and to exceed His due limits. There is difference of opinion about what is meant by it in the Quranic Verse: The first is to call each other offensive nicknames, as confirmed.. More

  • There is Neither Rafath (Sexual Relations), nor Disobedience nor Disputing During Hajj - I

    Allah The Almighty mentioned in His Noble Book of Hajj obligations, acts of the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition), etiquettes, pillars and favorable things that indicate His care for this great act of worship and glorious rite. He clarified this matter in detail, and with perfect clarification; Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Hajj is [during] well-known.. More

  • Matters that would invalidate Hajj

    Question What are the deeds that would invalidate Hajj? Do disobedience and dispute invalidate Hajj? Would Hajj be counted for man just as he performed it, despite the mistakes and disputes that he committed therein? Answer All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that.. More

  • Does the pilgrim return free of sins even if he was making Hajj on behalf of someone else?

    Question The one who performs Hajj returns as free of sins as he was in the day when his mother gave birth to him, so what about the one who performs Hajj on behalf of another person? Will both of them be free of sins just as the day they were born, because the pilgrim is rewarded without affecting the reward of the one on whose behalf the Hajj is.. More

  • Performed ‘Umrah (lesser pilgrimage) without shortening her hair out of ignorance until she returned to her country

    Question My wife and I performed ‘Umrah two years ago and my wife did not shorten her hair as she did not know that ending the state of Ihraam is achieved only by shortening the hair. What is the ruling on this? How can she end the state of Ihraam now, bearing in mind that she has cut her hair many times after performing ‘Umrah. I did not.. More

  • Ruling on wearing lower garment that fits exactly the waist of a man in the state of Ihraam (ritual consecration)

    Question What is the ruling on wearing a lower garment that fits exactly the waist of a man in the state of Ihraam? May Allah reward you. Answer All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger. The.. More