There are 910 articles

  • Points to Ponder on the Origins of the Hajj

    The story of how Hajj first originated is one that is worthy of our concern and attention, a story worthy of remembrance and contemplation whenever people walk between the mounts of As-Safa and Al-Marwah while doing Sa’y, and whenever they drink from the water of Zamzam. Hajj should not be regarded as a mere religious ritual where each generation.. More

  • That You May Glorify Allah for His Guidance

    Among the abundant bounties and graces that Allah, the Exalted, conferred upon this nation are these blessed spiritual seasons; seasons of obedience and times for gaining more rewards. These are times for acts of worship, spiritual grants, spiritual insights, and gentle reminders. Blessed spiritual seasons are calling to us, 'O seekers of good, draw.. More

  • What After Hajj?

    Allah The Almighty Legislated the acts of worship and obedience for great wisdom and sublime objectives. No wonder, as they strengthen the faith, purify the soul, correct the attitude and refine the morals. If acts of worship did not achieve these objectives, then the Muslim would not benefit from them properly. In such a case, acts of worship might.. More

  • Rulings Related to the Udh-hiyyah

    1) The sacrificed animal should be from the livestock (cows, camels, sheep and goats). Other kinds of animals cannot replace the above mentioned even if it is permissible to eat them, such as rabbits, poultry, antelope, gazelle and other wild animals. 2) The one slaughtering (butcher) should not be given his fee from the Udh-hiyyah because the Prophet,.. More

  • Educational Situations from the School of Hajj - II

    Islamic Monotheism, Following the Sunnah of the Prophet and Unity There are other educational reflections pointed out by Mr. Shaa’i‘ ibn Muhammad Al-Ghubayshi, from the educational supervision center, including: First: Tawheed (to affirm the Oneness of Allah The Almighty): The greatest manifestation of the care for and importance of Tawheed.. More

  • ‘Arafah, the Day of Covenant and Virtues

    Every day of the blessed days, which Allah gave precedence to and chose, has a certain virtue over the other. Each day has an occasion for which it is glorified; the last ten nights of Ramadan are favored over the first ten nights of Thul-Hijjah by the night of Al-Qadr (pre-decree), and the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah are favored over the last ten.. More

  • Thoughts from ‘Arafah

    O ‘Arafah! O symbol of the Muslim nation, many are the crowds that stood on your grounds; many are the tears that were shed on your sands; many are the people that got acquainted on your lands; many are the races that blended within your borders; many are the humble whose supplications were answered; and many are the tyrants who were rejected... More

  • Educational Situations from the School of Hajj - I

    By Khaalid ibn 'Ali Al-Mushayqih At the time the Islamic World is overwhelmed by the bliss of the Hajj days and their rituals Legislated by Allah Almighty, to Purify and Bestow mercy upon His slaves, a lot of people write and talk about faith-related, spiritual, scientific, educational and Jihaad-related reflections, taking various models, ideas and.. More

  • In the Shadow of Hajj

    Allah, the Exalted, Says (what means): {And [mention, O Muhammad] when We designated for Ibrahim (Abraham) the site of the House, [saying], “Do not associate anything with Me and purify My House for those who perform Tawaaf and those who stand [in prayer] and those who bow and prostrate. And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will.. More

  • The Fruit of Hajj Mabroor - I

    Hajj Mabroor is the Hajj that is accepted by Allah, in which the pilgrim observes the conditions that validate the deed, and make it accepted, i.e., to do the deed with sincerity to Allah The Almighty, and according to the guidance of the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, avoiding all sins, misdeeds, wickedness and sexual relations. Un.. More

  • The Fruit of Hajj Mabroor - II

    That is part of what the virtuous lady mentioned. She also said that her son used to attend the congregational prayers in the mosque, and now he no longer frequents the mosques. All of this is done in the name of moderation and modernism promoted on those satellite channels and those Daa‘iyahs. It is amazing that some of those evildoings were.. More

  • The Fruit of Hajj Mabroor - III

    Many are the examples of response in Hajj. Our Lord, The Blessed, The Exalted, calls us to leave our countries and families, and we respond to His call. He calls us to perform Tawaaf round the Sacred House, and we respond to His call, and although the houses are numerous all over the land, we leave all houses and head to His House. He calls us to touch.. More

  • The Virtue and Benefits of Hajj

    Hajj is one of the great pillars of Islam. Allah The Almighty has made it obligatory on the Muslims who are able to find a way to do it, Saying (what means): {…And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House—for whoever is able to find thereto a way. But whoever disbelieves—then indeed, Allah is free from need of the.. More

  • Ramadan and Hajj in the Muslim Travelers' Writings

    The Andalusian traveler Ibn Jubayr, born in 539 AH/1145 AD, is one of the most famous Muslim travelers who were interested in writing about Ramadan in their books. Since his early childhood, he received religious education by studying the Quran and its sciences. When he was forty years old, he decided to visit the sacred places of Mecca. He traveled.. More

  • Offer Udh-hiyah, May Allah Accept It

    Offering udh-hiyah (slaughtering) is a great ritual and a confirmed Sunnah for those who can afford it, and it is a glorious act of worship and a great rite that Muslims perform to draw nearer to their Lord on the day of Eid Al-Adh-ha and the following three days. Allah Almighty says (what means): • {So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [to Him.. More