There are 910 articles

  • My Heart Circled the Throne

    Did you initiate and assume Ihraam (sacral state)? Did you feel the joy of your heart? Didyou change? If only your heart heads towards the House of Allah (the Ka'bah) … if only you could put on the garments of Ihraam and start uttering the Talbiyah (call) of Hajj … a Talbiyah done by one who is escaping towards his Lord for rescue.. More

  • The Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah: A Blessed Opportunity

    Those who missed out on the chance of being freed from Hell during the month of Ramadan … Those who resumed their lives on the same lost path after it … Those who were and are still deprived from enjoying the worship of Allah The Almighty… You still have a great chance and an opportunity which you can take advantage of… .. More

  • The Miracle of Slaughtering in Islam

    This is a question-answer session with a medical practitioner on the benefits of the Islamic method of slaughtering animals. - Question: Dr. John, if the veins that are in the front part of the neck of the animal are cut, what would happen to that animal? - Dr. John: Scientifically speaking, when an animal or human has his veins that are found.. More

  • Plans during the Days of Thul-Hijjah

    Beloved visitors! I ask Allah The Almighty to help us and enable us to mention Him abundantly, thank with His due thanks and properly worship Him. I also ask Him to enable us to exert all efforts in worshipping Him during these coming days, the best days of the year (the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah) and to grant us the reward of Hajj even if we do.. More

  • The Caravans of Pilgrims - II

    To our sister pilgrim, let me say a final word: she should be, in the House of Allah, more adherent to the religious etiquettes, more disciplined and more decent. She should not crowd with men, nor pray between their rows, nor pass in front of them while they are praying; and she should let her prayer be behind men in the places assigned to women. May.. More

  • The Caravans of Pilgrims - I

    In a few days, the caravans of pilgrims will head to the Sacred House, leaving their homeland for a distant country, in order to descend as guests on their Lord The Almighty in His ancient House. He is The Most Munificent, The Most Generous, Who approves for His guests no hospitality other than Paradise. But you should remember, O pilgrim, that the.. More

  • State of the Righteous Predecessors in Hajj - II

    My brothers! Exalted be He, who made His Sacred House a place of return for the people and [a place of] security, which they frequent and feel they have not satisfied their desire from it. When Allah The Almighty attributed the House to Himself in His Statement (what means): {and purify My House for those who perform Tawaaf and those who stand [in prayer].. More

  • State of the Righteous Predecessors in Hajj - I

    Just a few days are left till the Hajj season. The pilgrims compete in preparing themselves properly to perform this great pillar of Islam. Wealth is one of the basic necessities of Hajj; but people are different in choosing the type of wealth which will be their sustenance for Hajj. Some choose unlawfully gained wealth, such as Riba-based loans.. More

  • Mistakes in shaving or shortening the hair

    1. Some pilgrims think that it is an act of Sunnah (tradition) to face the Qiblah (the direction of the Ka‘bah) when shaving the hair. 2. Some pilgrims do not shave the whole head. Rather, they shave part of it and leave a part and this is forbidden under Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation). 3. Some women reveal their hair before non-Mahram.. More

  • ‘Umrah (lesser pilgrimage) in a period of purity between two menstruations

    Question I was at the end of my menstruation period and I thought that I had become pure. My menstruation period usually lasts for six or seven days. I became pure on the sixth day because the discharge stopped. Therefore, I started to perform ‘Umrah. After finishing the rituals, I discovered that I had discharged a small quantity of blood. On.. More

  • Imperfection in ‘Umrah’s (lesser pilgrimage’s) recommended acts does not invalidate it

    Question After Tawaaf (circumambulation of the Ka’bah), I performed two Rak‘ahs (units of prayer) at the Standing Place of Ibraaheem (Abraham), may Allah exalt his mention, but with my right shoulder uncovered. Is my ‘Umrah valid? Also, at the first round of Sa`y (walking between Mounts As-Safa and Al-Marwah) while on As-Safa mount,.. More

  • The liability to make up fasting does not prevent ‘Umrah (lesser pilgrimage)

    Question I am required to make up fasting for five days that I did not fast during Ramadan. Is it permissible for me to perform ‘Umrah? Should I make up these days before going to ‘Umrah or can I do that when I return? Fatwa All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah,.. More

  • Sexual intercourse with his wife who will travel to him for ‘Umrah (lesser pilgrimage)

    Question I am in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and my wife will come from my country (to visit me). Is it permissible for me to have sexual intercourse with her before going to ‘Umrah and visiting Al-Madeenah Al-Munawwarah, noting that I have not seen her for six months? Fatwa All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify.. More

  • Hajj on behalf of his disabled grandmother and father

    Question I have already performed the obligation of Hajj. My grandmother has asked me to perform Hajj on her behalf because she is physically and financially unable to do so. Is it permissible to perform Hajj on her behalf? What are the conditions that I am required to fulfill towards her? Please note that my father is also physically unable to perform.. More

  • The Virtues of the Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah - I

    Praise be to Allah Who has created time and has made some times better than others, some months and days and nights better than others, when rewards are multiplied many times, as a mercy towards His slaves. This encourages them to do more righteous deeds and makes them more eager to worship Him. This season of worship brings many benefits, such as.. More