There are 910 articles

  • Intending Hajj but dying before performing it

    Question: If a person intended to perform the obligation of Hajj and died before Hajj was due, will the reward for his intention be recorded for him? Answer: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His.. More

  • Being unsure whether or not two or three pebbles fall into the pit

    Question: Allah The Almighty blessed me with Hajj last year. With regards to the day of slaughtering, I still harbor doubts that while throwing pebbles at the Kubra Jamrah (the big pillar), two or three pebbles did not fall in the pit; although my colleague confirmed the opposite: that the pebbles did indeed fall in the pit and that my doubts are.. More

  • Being unsure whether or not two or three pebbles fall into the pit

    Question: Allah The Almighty blessed me with Hajj last year. With regards to the day of slaughtering, I still harbor doubts that while throwing pebbles at the Kubra Jamrah (the big pillar), two or three pebbles did not fall in the pit; although my colleague confirmed the opposite: that the pebbles did indeed fall in the pit and that my doubts are.. More

  • The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, sacrificing one sheep for all his nation

    Question: Assalamualaykum, Can more than seven muslimsmembers give sacrifice of Eid ud Dhuhaa on one camel,buffalo…etc, since Prophet Muhammad Sallallahualyhiwasallam had given a sacrifice of one animal(goat) for whole ummah ? Assalamualaykum Answer: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none.. More

  • The ruling on removing skin or nails in the state of Ihraam

    Question: I read that clipping the nails is one of the violations of Ihraam. If a pilgrim finds that a nail or part of a nail needs to be removed because it hurts or disturbs him, and he removes it, does he incur any sort of compensation? What about removing dead skin which grows besides the fingernails or toenails as well as the dead skin on the.. More

  • Performed Hajj but did not stand at ‘Arafah and authorized someone to stand there on his behalf

    Question: A man authorized another man to stand at ‘Arafah on his behalf with the excuse that he could not reach it because he is paralyzed, and he had come to Hajj from Algeria. He performed Tawaaf (circumambulation) and Sa‘y (walking between Mounts Safa and Marwah) on a stretcher and also authorized someone to throw the pebbles on his.. More

  • Performing Hajj or ‘Umrah during postpartum-bleeding

    Question: I am in the postpartum period and it will terminate on the seventh day of Thul-Hijjah. I have intended to perform Hajj and will travel on the fourth day of Thul-Hijjah. Although I have attained purity, I still have some brown vaginal discharge. I want to know how to perform Hajj and when should I assume Ihraam. Will my Hajj be valid although.. More

  • A Muhrim wearing a cloth to which a deodorant is applied

    Question: I'm expected to leave for my 1st Umrah in 40 days time InshAllah. Please provide an an urgent answer to the following question: I wish to know that if there is any substance which would be permissible to apply during Ihram in order to prevent the foul odour caused by sweating ? As per my understanding, deodorant sprays would be Haraam ........... More

  • The ruling on shortening some parts of the pilgrim's hair

    Question: I performed Hajj and when I arrived at Al-Haram (the Sacred Mosque). I performed ‘Umrah (lesser pilgrimage) and after making Tawaaf and Sa‘ee between Mounts As-Safa and Al-Marwah, I lost my companion to whom I had given all my belongings out of fear of it being damaged. The last ritual remaining was to shorten my hair, as they.. More

  • Missing Tawaaf Al-Ifaadhah due to ignorance

    Question: Allah Blessed me with Hajj two years ago. It was the first time I performed Hajj. After I threw the pebbles forAl-‘Aqabah Al-Kubra, I shaved my hair, terminated the state of Ihraam, and spent the night of the 11 and 12 days of Thul-Hijaah in Mina. Whilst there, I threw the pebbles (of the 11th and 12th) then I went to Makkah to perform.. More

  • She had her menses and assumed Ihraam in Makkah after becoming pure

    Question: I was on my way to perform ‘Umrah (lesser pilgrimage) and I passed by the Meeqaat (designated point for donning Ihraam) while I was menstruating, so I did not assume the state of Ihraam and remained in Makkah until I attained purity, then I assumed the state of Ihraam in Makkah. Is this permissible or what should I do? Answer: All.. More

  • Going to Hajj without the husband’s permission

    Question: What is the ruling on a woman who has three children and decides to go for Hajj without having permission from her husband? When I advised her and told her she is not allowed to do that, she objected by saying that Allah made things easy for her and summoned her for Hajj and thus she can do nothing but obey Him. In addition, she says that.. More

  • An indebted person offering a sacrifice on ‘Eed Al-Adhha

    Question: In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Beneficient. Assalam-O-Alaikum, I had borrowed some money from someone and I am also willing to do a sacrifice of an animal this Eid-Al-Adha 2009. My question is that whether the sacrifice, I will make, be accepted according to Shariyah, as I already owe to that person. Because some people.. More

  • The two Rak‘ahs of Ihraam and ruling on applying Vaseline in Ihraam

    Question: I have a question about Ihraam. Should I perform two Rak‘ahs after entering the state of Ihraam or are these two Rak‘ahs simply recommended and not obligatory? One more question, if I apply Vaseline before entering the state of Ihraam so as to prevent inflammation, will this invalidate Ihraam, given that theVaseline remains.. More

  • Making ‘Umrah on behalf of the living and the deceased

    Question: Allah The Almighty blessed me with a ‘Umrah that I will perform in the last ten days of Ramadan. When I perform ‘Umrah, will I get the reward for the number of ‘Umrahs I make? I mean if I stay in Makkah for six days and make ‘Umrah every day and thus make ‘Umrah six times, will I gain the reward for six ‘Umrah.. More