There are 910 articles

  • Mistakes in the two Rak‘ahs of Tawaaf

    1. Some pilgrims think that it is obligatory to perform two Rak‘ahs (units of prayer) directly behind or near the Station of Ibraaheem (Abraham), may Allah exalt his mention, and they overcrowd to do so. Nevertheless, this is an act of Sunnah (tradition) that can be done if possible. Otherwise, it is permissible to perform these two Rak‘ahs.. More

  • Common errors related to Hajj

    First: Errors related to Ihraam: Some pilgrims bypass the designated Meeqaat (Station of Ihraam) on their route without either being in Ihraam or entering into Ihraam there, proceeding until they reach Jeddah or some other place within the precincts of the Meeqaats, at which they enter into Ihraam. This is against the command of Allah’s Messenger.. More

  • Tawaaf (Circumambulation)

    Ibn ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with them, said, “Enjoy this House, the Ka‘bah; it was destroyed twice, but the third time, it will be lifted [i.e. it will never be rebuilt again].” [Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh, and Al-Haakim in his Mustadrak. Al-Haakim ranked it as Saheeh (authentic) according to the conditions stipulated by.. More

  • Supplication in Hajj - I

    Allah The Exalted commands His slaves to supplicate to Him and promises to answer and reward them for their Du‘aa’. Numerous texts of the Islamic Sharee‘ah have underlined the greatness, virtue, significance, and status of Du‘aa’ in Islam. In fact, Du‘aa’ is the essence of worship, and it is one of the effective.. More

  • The Noble Rawdhah

    This is located inside Al-Masjid An-Nabawi (the Prophetic Mosque). To its east lies the room of ‘Aa’ishah, the Mother of the Believers, may Allah be pleased with her, and to its west is the pulpit of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. To its south is the wall of the mosque which contains the Mihraab (prayer niche) of the Prophet,.. More

  • Supplication in Hajj - II

    Du‘aa’ has its due conditions and manners that should be observed, at the top of which is believing that only Allah The Exalted can answer supplications and that He is the only One who can bring good to the supplicant. One must invoke Allah The Exalted alone. Additionally, supplication should be performed sincerely and with an attentive.. More

  • As-Safa and Al-Marwah

    These are the two famous mountains/hills that are located in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam (the Grand Mosque) in Makkah. As-Safa was once connected to the mountain of Abu Qubays, while Al-Marwah was connected to the mountain of Qu‘ayqi‘aan. However, during the expansion process in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam, As-Safa and Al-Marwah were separated from them.. More

  • Hajj is a Season of Da‘wah (Islamic Propagation)

    Da‘wah is one of the greatest righteous deeds since it has great benefits and interest for both the Daa‘iyah (caller to Allah) and the people whom he is calling to Allah - the society, the nation and all of mankind. Allah The Exalted praises those who call people to Him as He Says (what means): {And who is better in speech than one who invites.. More

  • Or with [much] greater remembrance

    In His Noble Book, Allah The Almighty praises those who remember and mention Him and orders the believers to remember and mention Him frequently and warns them against negligence in this regard. This is because His slaves are in dire need for remembering and mentioning Him and they can never dispense with this - even for a moment. Allah The Almighty.. More

  • ‘Arafah

    The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Hajj is ‘Arafah.” [At-Tirmithi and An-Nasaa’i] This proves the importance of this pillar of Hajj to the extent that it is like the entire Hajj itself. ‘Arafah is located outside the borders of the Haram (Sacred Precinct) as it is nearly twenty-one kilometers away.. More

  • Vaccinations for pilgrims

    It is necessary for pilgrims to take care of their health, especially during the Hajj season that has a lot of over crowdedness and is rife transmission of diseases. Consequently, they are advised to protect themselves against diseases by means of taking preventive vaccinations that will protect them, Allah Willing, from diseases that are spread during.. More

  • The healthy Hajj - I

    Modern medicine and the road to Makkah A Divine calling Every pilgrim, and not a few for a lifetime, dreams of a perfect Hajj—one that Allah accepts as righteous, that washes away all sin, that delivers one from that spiritual womb of the world in Makkah as pure as the moment one emerged from mother. But mundane as it may be, good physical.. More

  • The healthy Hajj - II

    Physical activity and ritual highlights of Hajj Kinesiology is a word I want to introduce here. It is the study of the mechanics of motion as this relates to human anatomy. That is what we want to consider as we review the routine and ritual activities, and the prevailing human and topographical conditions, involved in making Hajj. The Succession.. More

  • The healthy Hajj – III

    Medical problems I’ve compiled a list of physical (medical) states and symptoms for you to review. Don’t worry if you don't know what everything on the list means. In most cases, if you have some-thing to take care of, you'll know it. But do try to familiarize yourself with the kinds of things that might be exposed to or come down with.. More

  • Reflections on the Hajj of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam

    Allah The Almighty Commanded His servants in many verses of the Quran to follow His Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam; He Says (what means): {And whatever the Messenger has given you - take; and what he has forbidden you - refrain from.} [Quran 59:7] Allah The Almighty Made compliance with His Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,.. More