There are 910 articles

  • The Debtor’s Pilgrimage

    The rulings of this blessed Sharee‘ah are very simple, and one of its characteristics is that it removes difficulty, as Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {...And [He] has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty....} [Quran 22:78] The Messenger of Allah  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) said: “Religion is very easy, and.. More

  • Fawaat and Ihsaar in Hajj

    Fawaat Fawaat literally means to miss something. In the context of Hajj, Fawaat means missing the act of staying in ‘Arafah. A pilgrim who failed to stay in ‘Arafah during the daytime or nighttime of the day of ‘Arafah until the dawn of the day of An-Nahr (the tenth of Thul-Hijjah) has come, has missed Hajj. It was narrated that Jaabir,.. More

  • Etiquettes of Hajj

    There are a set of etiquettes and recommendations that a person who intends to perform Hajj must observe and adhere to in order for his rituals to be accomplished according to what is permissible under the Sharee‘ah, and for his Hajj to be accepted by Allah. The first of these is that the person intending to perform Hajj should intend, by his.. More

  • Virtues of the First Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah

    Allah The Exalted alone is the creator of this universe, and none but Him is entitled to choose how this universe should be run and ruled. Allah The Almighty says (what means):{And your Lord creates what He wills and chooses; not for them was the choice. Exalted is Allah and High above what they associate with Him.} [Quran 28-68] Allah The Exalted.. More

  • Etiquettes of visiting the Prophet's Mosque

    Visiting the Prophet's Mosque is recommended at any time of the year, whether before Hajj or after it. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Do not set out on a journey [for worshipping purposes] except to three Mosques: My Mosque, the Sacred Mosque [in Makkah], and Al-Aqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem].”[Muslim] This is because.. More

  • Hajj is during Well-Known Months

    Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Hajj is [during] well-known months, so whoever has madeHajj obligatory upon himself therein [by entering the state of Ihraam], there is [to be for him] no sexual relations and no disobedience and no disputing duringHajj. And whatever good you do - Allah knows it. And take provisions, but indeed, the best provision.. More

  • Etiquettes of visiting Al-Masjid Al-Haraam (The Sacred Mosque)

    There are many etiquettes a Muslim should observe whenever he visits Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. They are the same etiquettes to be observed in any mosque, yet in the case of Al-Masjid Al-Haraam, they are even more honored due to its high position and supreme rank and sanctity. Among those etiquettes are the following: 1- To enter with the right foot.. More

  • The Rulings of Udh-hiyah (the ‘Eed Sacrifice)

    Udh-hiyah is one of the great rituals of Islam. It is also one of the greatest acts of obedience which bring one closer to Allah The Almighty. It is a sign of sincere worship to Allah The Almighty and obedience to His commands and prohibitions. This is the rationale behind prescribing Udh-hiyah in Islam. The scholars mentioned the rulings relevant to.. More

  • Mistakes in hastening the departure from Mina

    Some pilgrims think that what is meant by the two days in the verse (which means): {Then whoever hastens [his departure] in two days…} [Quran 2:203] are the Day of ‘Eed and the next day. This is a mistake, because they are in fact the 11th and 12th days of Thul-Hijjah. Some pilgrims who hasten their departure from.. More

  • Mistakes in the Farewell Tawaaf

    Staying in Makkah after the Farewell Tawaaf (circumambulation). In such a case, the last of the pilgrim's deeds will not be the Tawaaf. Leaving Makkah before making the Farewell Tawaaf, which is one of the obligatory actions of Hajj. Some pilgrims make Sa‘y after Tawaaf believing that the Farewell Tawaaf requires.. More

  • Mistakes in spending the night at Muzdalifah

    Some pilgrims are negligent when it comes to scrutinizing the boundaries of Muzdalifah and this may result in them spending the night outside its boundaries, though spending the night within the boundaries of Muzdalifah is one of the obligations of Hajj. Delaying the Maghrib (sunset) and the ‘Ishaa’ (night) prayers until after.. More

  • Points of Caution for Pilgrims - V

    72) According to the preponderant view, the rulings regarding the Sutrah are the same whether in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam or any other place. If passing before a praying person in other places is forbidden, then the prohibition is worthier to be applied in this Holy Mosque. It has also been proven that using the Sutrah there is the tradition of the Companions,.. More

  • Points of Caution for Pilgrims - IV

    55) Many pilgrims nowadays go to an extreme in asking others to do the stoning for them, without a valid reason; this is wrong. If one, whether a man or a woman, fears overcrowding, he or she may go to throw the pebbles at times when there are not as many people, such as during the night. 56) [Following] the sequence in throwing the pebbles at the.. More

  • Points of Caution for Pilgrims - III

    38) The sequence of these rituals is the Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Nevertheless, a pilgrim is not blameworthy if he does not follow this exact order, as when one performs Tawaaf before shaving, shaves before throwing pebbles or does Sa’y before Tawaaf, etc. It was narrated on the authority of ‘Abdullah ibn.. More

  • Points of Caution for Pilgrims - II

    14) Whoever travels to Jeddah without prior intention of performing ‘Umrah or was hesitant about the matter and then, while in the city, decided on doing it, is required to start Ihraam from his current location, because that is where he made the intention. Therefore, he becomes like the inhabitants of Jeddah who start their Ihraam from their.. More