There are 782 articles

  • Women's Rights of Inheritance in Islam - II

    Despite all the rights that are granted by the Islamic Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) to women in all fields of life and despite the fact that most of these rights were not granted to women all over the world except after great efforts exerted globally, many of those who are prejudiced against Islam use the rule of inheritance “for the.. More

  • Women's Rights of Inheritance in Islam - I

    In the pre-Islamic civilizations, women were denied any right to inheritance, so that money and property would not be transferred to her from her husband.Only mature, elder sons were entitled to inheritance, since they were the ones who foughtand defended their tribe in times of war. In the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation), the issues of inheritance.. More

  • Why Can't We Be Like Them?

    ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said, "May Allah have mercy upon the early emigrating women, when Allah revealed (what means): {..and to wrap [a portion of] their head covers over their chests} [Quran 24:31] they cut their waist sheets at the edges and covered their faces by them." [Al-Bukhari] It was also narrated.. More

  • Woman and the plots of enemies

    The 'wave-breaking' method is used by the advocates of corruption to bring about degradation in society and is achieved through following a gradual approach. They do not ask the society to become immoral all at once and they cannot achieve it if they demanded it. Rather, they follow a gradual approach in spreading their corruption until they finally.. More

  • Spinsterhood - Causes and Effects

    The phenomenon of spinsterhood and the aversion of many youth to marry have serious and dangerous psychological, economic, social, moral and behavioral consequences that affect the entire Ummah (nation). This is especially so in this era where there are many temptations and deviated means of satisfying desires. Thus, Sharee‘ah-approved marriage.. More

  • Common Mistakes in Dealing with Infants

    Mothers are often affected by customs and culture in dealing with their infants. In doing so, they may unintentionally do something that harms their babies. Here we will mention a number of mistakes that some mothers make: First: Using ice to treat a child’s fever. When a child has a fever this means that he has inflammation that may be caused.. More

  • Features of the character of Haajar (Hagar), the Mother of the Muslims-I

    Hajj was one of the ordinances that were revealed to our great father Ibraaheem (Abraham), may Allah exalt his mention. Some of the Hajj rituals were legislated following the steps of our great mother Haajar, may Allah be pleased with her. Every year, when the Hajj season comes, it brings to our minds memories of the place that had once been deserted.. More

  • Features of the character of Haajar (Hagar), the Mother of the Muslims - II

    Thirdly, Practical Comprehension and Successful Disposal of Affairs All the resources she had were the tree under which she lived, and the well of Zamzam that was the source of water, or we could say the source of life. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {…and we made from water every living thing.}[Quran 21:30] According to today’s.. More

  • 'Brought up by a woman'

    In some cultures, when people want to criticize someone for being ineffectual or accuse him of having low morals, they say that he was brought up by a woman! This abominable saying stands refuted by the many prominent scholars of Islam who were brought up by their mothers and became guiding and guided beacons for the Ummah (nation). Imaam Ahmad, may.. More

  • Change of self is better than change of scenery

    “If I was living in Egypt, I'm sure 1 would be wearing Hijab." "If only I wasn’t in classes all day long, I would surely make it to the Friday Prayer every Friday." How many times have you told yourself: if it weren’t for this or that, I would be able to do such and such? How often is it that our actions depend upon.. More

  • A Final Comparison and Contrast - II

    Some Jewish sects placed the girl in the rank of the slave, whose father had the right to sell her due to her being legally incompetent. She had no right to inherit in the presence of a brother more than what had been given to her as a gift from her father during his lifetime, for inheritance was the right of the male only. However, when a girl was.. More

  • A Final Comparison and Contrast - I

    Compare all the honor given to the woman in Islam to the statements of the Bible and the opinions of the Christian popes and philosophers about her. The angel of the Lord insults the woman and calls her evil: "Then a round lead cover was raised up, revealing a woman sitting inside the basket. He then said, “This woman represents wickedness,”.. More

  • Fasting & diabetics

    A diabetic patient receives the month of Ramadan differently from others, because his feeding and health system during this month is different from that at any other time of the year. He must adhere to certain dosages of medication at specific times and must only eat certain types of food. With the advent of this month, the changes he faces are manifested.. More

  • Assassination of the Woman’s Personality

    Woman suffered many woes for centuries because of the statements of Paul and those like him. The men of this religion who are attributed to Christ considered that, "The woman is filth which should be avoided, and her beauty is the weapon of Satan.” The Popes were eager to confirm that woman was the source of evil and sin in this world. For.. More

  • A delayed pregnancy should not be a cause or worry

    Medical research gives glad tidings to spouses who have been married for a year and still have no children that this is not a sign of being sick or sterile. A recently published study showed that spouses who do not suffer from health problems, even though they become worried after one year of trying to conceive, often succeed in realizing their goal.. More