There are 781 articles

  • The Evil Consequences of Neglecting to Enjoin Good and Forbid Evil

    Muslims who neglect enjoining good and forbidding evil hold this corrupted saying as a pretext, "Leave the creation for Allah The Almighty to judge them; I am not responsible for all human beings", and the like. In one of his speeches, after praising Allah The Almighty, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “O people, you read.. More

  • When You Wear Your Hijab…

    What is the reward that you should seek from Allah The Almighty when you wear your full Hijab (Islamic covering) that is in conformity with the injunctions of the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation)? • The reward of listening to, obeying and submitting to the command of Allah The Almighty and His Messenger, sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Allah.. More

  • Equality between man and woman in competency

    The woman is just like man in social and financial competency because the qualifier for competency is reason and woman is equal to man in this regard. This will clearly appear when we speak in a later article about the woman’s social and economic status in detail. However, here, we will mention two examples that may be considered as a general.. More

  • The Way to your Family's Happiness - I

    Happiness: The desired goal ‎ Happiness is the paradise of dreams that all people ‎long for, but the question that has perplexed humanity since ancient times is, “Where is happiness?” Many people have searched for it in the wrong place and returned with broken hearts, like the one who went to search for pearls in the desert. Yes,.. More

  • The Way to your Family's Happines - III

    • Approving forbidden acts in the house: This factor is closely related to the first key cause of family break-up (‎neglecting Divine commandments regarding ‎marital life). That is because observance of the Ordinances of Allah The Almighty removes all evil from the house and vice versa. Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, we should know.. More

  • The Way to your Family's Happiness - II

    Key causes of family break-up The break-up of a family means unraveling of family ties and love among members of the same family. As a result, the home loses its key role in guiding children and regulating their behavior, and is almost relegated to the status of a 'hotel' that provides nothing but food and a place to sleep. Undoubtedly, this is very.. More

  • Women's Inheritance Laws in Judaism and Christianity

    What is the stance of the Jewish and Christian scriptures on women’s inheritance? We can say that the stance of the Christians is summarized in this statement in Mathew [5: 17] where it says, “17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” This indicates.. More

  • A Husband is Grateful to a Good Mother

    On a moonlit summer night, the Mujaahid cavalier returned home after being away for thirty years fighting Jihaad. He had left behind his newly-wed bride with an unborn baby inside her. The horseman looked right and left trying to remember the house where his wife and child, about whom he knew nothing, lived. Features of the Prophetic City, Madeenah,.. More

  • Help your loved ones stop smoking

    A fifth of the world's population is Muslim, and most Muslims live in areas where the prevalence of smoking is high and increasing by the day. According to statistics, it is estimated that out of the five million people who die due to smoking related causes every year, one million are Muslims. Yet, thanks to media influences and advertising,which erroneously.. More

  • A lesson in pain

    Michelle Al-Nasr Allah Almighty Says what means: "Say, 'O My servants who have transgressed against themselves (by sinning), do not despair of the Mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.'” [Quran 39:53] Sometimes it takes a lot to make us wake up.... to make us reset our priorities..... More

  • You made him lie!

    I asked him, “Why are you distressed? What is wrong? Has anything bad happened?” He said, “I am so distressed because of my son, Ahmad.” I asked, “Why?” He said to me, “He lies. My son lies! I have done my best to advise him and warn him against lying; however, every time he proves to me that I failed.” I.. More

  • Essential skills for a Muslim household

    Every Muslim family ought to learn different useful household skills, the fruitful rewards of which will be reaped by the whole family. There is no doubt that knowledge of household skills saves a great deal of time, effort and money. Household skills are gained by practice, if a genuine motivation and desire exists to gain these skills, along with.. More

  • The Distinguishing Woman

    Those who are taking the path to Allah The Almighty and those in general who are living this life are susceptible to circumstances; life becomes similar to waves, one following the other, and a person rides upon these waves; these circumstances are trials and examinations to elicit the true state of the heart's belief. Allah The Exalted Says (what.. More

  • Precious Pearls: Umm Shurayk

    Have you heard about the pearl whose name is Umm Shurayk, may Allah be pleased with her? She was one of the early converts to Islam along with her husband. Come and attentively hear what she says. She relates her story by herself and says, When I embraced Islam, I heard a Hadeeth (narration) from the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,.. More

  • 10 Facts about the Day of Jumu'ah

    One of the blessings with which the Muslim nation has been endowed is the day of Jumu'ah, or Friday. The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “The best day the sun rises over is Friday; on it Allah created Aadam. On it, he was made to enter paradise, on it he was expelled from it, and the Last Hour will take place on no other.. More