There are 782 articles

  • Methods of Secularists in Corrupting Muslim Women - III

    Muslims must bear in mind some of the most dangerous methods adopted by secularists so that they will be aware of them, denounce them, and try to frustrate them. They include: • All kinds of mass media including press publications, broadcasting, television, movies, and magazines that are specialized in fashion, women’s issues, and the like... More

  • Methods of Secularists in Corrupting Muslim Women - II

    Westernization After the failure of some of their military expeditions, Western politicians developed a devilish idea that armies should not be involved in confrontations because they arouse severe reactions, and that they should exert efforts to get the Muslim countries to surrender to the Western culture and civilization willingly. This is how the.. More

  • Methods of Secularists in Corrupting Muslim Women - I

    Allah The Almighty instructed Muslims to beware of deviants and the methods they follow to demolish the religion of Islam, and thus, He Says (what means): {And thus do We detail the verses, and [thus] the way of the criminals will become evident.} [Quran 6:55] He also commanded His Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, to fight the hypocrites,.. More

  • Engagement - III

    Consequences of Engagement Islam is the religion that has sublime purposes and is characterized by its moderateness. Following its teachings safeguards honor and at the same time allows introductory steps of marriage which would secure its success. Therefore, engagement is made lawful in Islam as an introductory step towards marriage, so that each.. More

  • Engagement - II

    Istikhaarah (guidance-seeking prayer) in Engagement It is recommended to perform Istikhaarah before making a decision related to marriage. The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, would perform Istikhaarah in order to teach his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, to perform Istikhaarah before deciding on anything and therefore.. More

  • Engagement - I

    Engagement is the proposal for marriage. It is an initial agreement and a promise that all parties are required to respect and abide by. Engagement is considered the first step in marriage. All important contracts have introductory preambles that aim at perfecting it in the best way. Due to the utmost importance of marriage, Allah The Most Wise made.. More

  • Dealing with Mistakes in the Household

    Dealing with the mistakes made by the children or the wife is an art that every father and husband should learn and perfect in order to be able to turn a mistake into a constructive force within the family. Let us suppose that one of the children has made a mistake; what are the Islamic steps to be taken to handle the situation? Many fathers, mothers,.. More

  • Outcome of Women’s Work Outside the Home

    Those who advocate women’s work outside the home support their calls with the economic benefit of woman’s work outside the home and its effect on raising national productivity. They usually mock the societies, which they label as backward, where the woman remains in her home. If we avoid accusations and disputes and use subjective research,.. More

  • A woman's femininity

    Islam appreciates the woman’s femininity Woman is an integral part of man because of her femininity, just as he is an integral part of her. The man and woman are neither opponents nor rivals. Rather, they help each other to attain perfection with regard to their personality and gender. The norms that have been set by Allah The Almighty imply.. More

  • A Jewish American Embraces Islam

    I saw her radiant face in a mosque that is located on a hill in a small American state, reciting a translation of the Noble Quran. I greeted her and she returned the greeting warmly and cheerfully; we got talking and became good friends in no time. One night, we were on the shore of a beautiful lake, where she related to me the story of her conversion.. More

  • A Society of Victims

    The nine-year-old girl turned into a young mother, and another girl, who is under eleven years of age, became a clever housewife! The two children, by means of fate, went through a unique experience. The first had to care for her sister, aged one year and a few months, due to the absence of her mother. After the working mother had tried to take her.. More

  • Understanding the Value of Time - II

    The sole reason behind the punishments that afflict the Muslim Ummah (nation) is our decline in supporting our religion and negligence of our duties. Inadvertently, the Muslim woman has contributed to the defeatism which has afflicted us by restricting the scope of her responsibility to a bare minimum and neglecting her duty in raising and educating.. More

  • Understanding the Value of Time - I

    It is a common practice in most Muslim countries that women allocate the afternoon for receiving or visiting friends, with some differences in the manner of the visits – they may be organized on a regular basis or spontaneous. Whatever the case may be, during the visit a veritable state of emergency is declared at home where extraordinary preparations.. More

  • Protecting our Children from Lying - II

    How can a mother know that her child is lying? It should be known that lying has many signs that are visible on the child which an intelligent mother could notice, and they reveal it in the same way that is imitated by the following proverb: "The (sinful) suspicious (with his behavior) is about to say (to those who doubt him), 'Take me (as I am.. More

  • Protecting our Children from Lying - I

    The doorbell rang in the house of the grandfather, and four-year-old Fahd ran to open the door. Soon, he returned running and jumping, announcing the visitor to his grandfather, "Grandpa! Shaykh Al ‘Uthaymeen is waiting for you in the salon." The grandfather smiled and asked inquiringly, "Who is it Fahd? Talk seriously." Fahd.. More