There are 92 articles

  • The Muslim Woman and Her Parents

    Treating parents dutifully One of the main distinguishing characteristics of the true Muslim woman is her respectful and kind treatment of her parents. Islam encourages respect towards and kind treatment of parents in many definitive texts of the Quran and Sunnah; any Muslim woman who reads these texts has no choice but to adhere to their teachings.. More

  • Which religion honors women the most? - II

    The Christian Scripture clearly states that pregnancy and childbearing, with all the pain and suffering they entail, are a punishment for the woman for tempting Aadam, may Allah exalt his mention. Thus, whenever a woman becomes pregnant or longs for her man, she must remember that this is a punishment for her sin and crime against the man whom she caused.. More

  • Which religion honors women the most? - I

    Since the emergence of Islam, its enemies have been attacking it and making false accusations against it. Perhaps one of their most laughable methods of fabricating such lies is denying their own sinful ways, and deflecting them onto Islam and then attacking them. One of the issues that is raised by the enemies of Islam in an attempt to distract others.. More

  • Working women according to Islam - II

    Men and women have their own responsibilities and specialties in building this glory as Allah has divided different abilities between them. Each of these specialties is pivotal and cannot be belittled, underestimated or dispensed with. Men are responsible for production, developing wealth, earning a livelihood and defending the house, while women are.. More

  • Working women according to Islam - I

    In principle, a woman's work in Islam should be at home where she can take care of her husband's property, organize his life and manage the affairs of her house. In her house, she works towards achieving the goals of marriage and noble motherhood devotedly and sincerely. Since it is the duty of the husband to earn money, she has to spend it wisely to.. More

  • Seeking the husband's permission before going out

    Islam enjoins order in everything: in one's habits and transactions as well as while traveling or taking up a place of residence. When three people travel together, Islam commands that one of them should be the leader. Given that reason, as well as the keenness to organize the Muslim community, Islam gave the man the authority to lead the family as.. More

  • In India, women are immolated for their husbands

    If you want to be a righteous woman and avoid suppression and humiliation at the hands of tribesmen, you should burn yourself to death after your husband's death. If you fail to do this, you will suffer agonizingly from a merciless society. It might seem that this is a trick or a sick joke, or an accusation of laxity in religion or morals. However,.. More

  • Improper dress for women and intermingling between sexes

    The greatest and most important of all the favors and blessings bestowed by Allah is Islam and the honorable Islamic law, which is derived from the Book of Allah and the Prophetic Sunnah. This Law has outlined all that which is beneficial for mankind in this life and the Hereafter. One of the virtues of this Law is that its rules and regulations have.. More

  • Learning on the job

    By Salma Sanwari Motherhood is an ever-evolving vocation. A mom who is not constantly learning and inquiring may find that homemaking and child rearing responsibilities are surpassing her intellectual capabilities. In fact, I have heard many moms say that they feel as if their intelligence is regressing day by day. They spend most of their day tending.. More

  • The challenges faced by working Muslim women

    BY SAFIYAH YUFENU It is well established that Allah allows women to make choices in regards to balancing responsibilities within and outside of the home. Muslim women choose to work outside of the home for various reasons. Some want to supplement the income of their husbands in order to achieve higher living standards. Others want to establish college.. More

  • Single moms working double-duty

    By Salma Sanwari Whether due to divorce or a husband’s death, more and more Muslim women are finding themselves raising their children alone than ever before. Less than a quarter of American households are nuclear family homes and we are finding that many of these American homes actually represent Muslim families. In previous generations, divorce.. More

  • Employment concerns for working Muslim women – II: Working from home (a solution)

    For single and marriedsisters who must work due to financial need, this presents a perplexing dilemmaon one hand the true economic need is there, on another the tremendoustemptation and tribulation. These hardships have led some sisters in direstraights to turn to their local mosques for financial aid or in humiliation tothe welfare system; in most.. More

  • Employment concerns for working Muslim women – I: Islamic guidelines

    Before a Muslim woman seeks employment, she must carefully weigh all of her options and prepare herself for inevitable challenges. Every day, many Muslim women cope with the challenge of working in a non-Muslim environment: a male employee offers his hand during introductions, other employees begin to discuss private aspects of their lives at lunch,.. More

  • Women's liberation through Islam -II

    Economic Rights: Allah Says (what means): {By Him Who created male and female; Verily, your efforts and deeds are diverse.} [Quran 92:3-4] In these verses, Allah declares that He created men and women to be different, with unique roles, functions and skills. As in society, where there is a division of labor, so too in a family; each member has.. More

  • Female and child trafficking in the West

    The American news channel CNN broadcast a report on the multiplying rates of human trafficking of women for illegal sexual exploitation throughout the world. Based on a study conducted by a research group in Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, USA, 2,000,000 women and girls are sold every year as sex slaves, with 120,000 of them from Eastern Europe,.. More


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