There are 86 articles

  • The Virtues of Charity

    Charity has a great significance in Islam; it is one of the clearest indications and most truthful signs of the sincerity of one's faith, as souls were created to love money and strive to save it. If someone spends his money and contradicts his instinct, then this is a proof that he has a good faith and a sound belief. Regarding this, the Prophet,.. More

  • “…Perhaps you will be grateful”

    The perfection of any blessing upon a slave, such as victory over himself or his enemy, success in Da‘wah (invitation to Islam), or the end of a season of worship during which one was guided to do good deeds, imposes two great acts of worship on the slave: namely, thanking his Lord and asking Him for forgiveness (Istighfaar). Both of them imply.. More

  • Our Shortcomings Are Great, But His Mercy Is Greater

    How saddened one feels at the departure of the month of Ramadan! Blissful indeed are those whose records during Ramadan abound with righteous deeds, and miserable are those who neglected those righteous deeds in this month. Who truly benefits from the month of Ramadan? The Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam (may Allaah exalt his mention) said:.. More

  • The Gates of Paradise are Opened for You, Will You Enter? - II

    … Continued Advantages of abandoning sins Abandonment of sins and misdeeds lead to nothing other than sustaining valor, upholding honor, preserving one's integrity, maintaining one's property provided by Allah The Almighty to be the basis on which the interests of the world and the Hereafter depend. Among the other benefits of abandoning sins.. More

  • The Gates of Paradise are Opened for You, Will You Enter? - I

    "And the forerunners, the forerunners…" Join the procession and catch up with the caravan. Ride with us aboard the ship of salvation. Make your steps firm and quicken your pace, perchance you would be saved from destruction. From the time you get up from sleep, you are in battle with the devil, and in a clash with such evil companions.. More

  • O Soul, Ramadan Has Come!

    {The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.} [Quran 2:185] "When the first night of Ramadan comes, the devils and the rebellious Jinn are chained, the gates of Hell are closed till no gate thereof is open and the gates of Paradise are opened till no door.. More

  • Hasten to Forgiveness from Your Lord

    Allah The Almighty encourages His slaves to hasten and race to doing good as He Says (what means): • {And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord} [Quran 3:133] • {Race toward forgiveness from your Lord} [Quran 57:21] • {So race to [all that is] good} [Quran 2:148] • {So for this let the competitors compete} [Quran 83:26] •.. More

  • Benefits of Repentance

    When Allah The Almighty created Aadam, may Allaah exalt his mention, He decreed that he and his children are not infallible. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Every son of Aadam makes mistakes, and the best of those who make mistakes are those who frequently repent.” [At-Tirmithi] [Al-Albaani: Hasan] Man will continue.. More

  • Speak Kindly to People – II

    The people most worthy of being treated with kindness and noble morals are one's parents, to whom Allah The Almighty enjoined dutifulness and kind treatment. This includes choosing good words when talking to them. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether.. More

  • Speak Kindly to People - I

    The blessed month of Ramadan is the month of generosity, charity and competing in doing good deeds whether verbal or practical. Among the verbal good deeds is speaking kind words that do not harm. It is known that the words uttered by man are recorded and preserved in a book; My Lord neither errs nor forgets. This fact was stated in the Quran in the.. More

  • Every Good Deed Is Charity - III

    … Continued Among the remarkable things mentioned about ‘Ali Zayn Al-‘Aabideen, may Allaah have mercy upon him, is that some of the people of Madeenah did not know from where their means of sustenance came to them. When he died, they stopped getting the supplies that they used to get every night. While they were washing his body,.. More

  • Every Good Deed Is Charity - II

    … Continued Al-Baraa’ ibn ‘Aazib, may Allaah be pleased with him, said that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, ordered them to do seven things (including): "To accept invitations, to help the oppressed and to fulfill the oaths." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] Besides, ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, may.. More

  • Every Good Deed Is Charity – I

    Allah The Exalted instructs His Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, to enjoin his Ummah (Muslim nation) to practice goodness and make it their intrinsic quality and moral characteristic. He Says (what means): {Take what is given freely, enjoin what is good} [Quran 7:199] The prominent scholar of Tafseer (exegesis) Ibn Sa‘di, may Allaah.. More

  • Relatives Are More Deserving of Your Kindness – II

    Why such virtue? You may be interested in knowing the reason behind this virtue. Read what the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Charity given to a poor person is charity, but charity given to a relative is two things, charity and upholding the ties of kinship.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] The eminent scholar Al-Munaawi,.. More

  • Relatives Are More Deserving of Your Kindness - I

    Allah The Almighty has praised those who fulfill the needs of the poor and the needy in different places in His Noble Book. He, The Exalted, also gave great rewards for those who spend in charity. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {And those within whose wealth is a known right. For the petitioner and the deprived.} [Quran 70:24-25] The Lord The.. More