There are 2024 articles

  • Qaradawi: God will not allow you (West, US) to support injustice

    The prominent Muslim scholar Dr. Youssef al-Qaradaawi strongly criticized Israel over its unjust assault on Gaza and appealed to the United States to end its support for the Jewish state. "Our message to the aggressor Jews ... who rely on the power, money, arms of America and its veto power (at the U.N.) is that the time of God's promised justice.. More

  • West Bank despair over Gaza assault

    "It is so much more than disappointment," explains Abir, a Gazan now living in the West Bank city of Ramallah. "In my worst nightmares I never imagined that Gaza would literally be slaughtered and the West Bank would be quiet." While protests against the Israeli assaults on Gaza have surged across the world in the past week, Ramallah.. More

  • In the US, Gaza is a different war

    The images of two women on the front page of an edition of The Washington Post last week illustrates how mainstream US media has been reporting Israel's war on Gaza. On the left was a Palestinian mother who had lost five children. On the right was a nearly equally sized picture of an Israeli woman who was distressed by the fighting, according to the.. More

  • Gaza fighters await Israeli troops

    Maintaining a night vigil along the border with Israel, Hamas fighters sat within reach of a device connected to wires running underground. "What you see are little surprises, but what awaits (the Israelis) is beyond their imagination," said Abu Sakher, a Hamas battalion commander making the rounds of frontier positions held by his men awaiting.. More

  • Israel's failure to learn

    When George Bush, the US president, first entered the White House as the commander-in-chief in 2001, Palestinians were being killed in the al-Aqsa intifada. Eight years later, as Bush prepares to leave office, Israel is carrying out one of the largest massacres in its 60-year occupation of Palestine. The US, then and now, strongly backs Israel's offensive,.. More

  • Gazans: 'We are living a nightmare'

    As the death toll from Israel's aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip continues to climb, Al Jazeera asked Gazans to describe the situation where they are and to explain how the offensive is affecting them. Majed Badra, 23, Gaza City, cartoonist and student at the Islamic Universitysaid: "Unfortunately the situation is very bad in Gaza city -.. More

  • France: Rising Islamophobia fear as mosque attack condemned

    French President Nicolas Sarkozy joined Muslim groups on Sunday in condemning attackers who set fire to a mosque in a Lyon suburb, and hundreds gathered outside the building to protest against racism and Islamophobia. The fire at the mosque in the Lyon suburb of Saint-Priest was started early on Saturday before morning prayers and caused damage to.. More

  • Mozambique fights human trafficking

    When Mozambique emerged from its grueling war of liberation in 1975, it was immediately plunged into a civil war that would last until 1992. Under such uncertain conditions, the country's leaders had little time to implement laws or ratify international conventions. This failure was partly responsible for the emergence of human trafficking gangs,.. More

  • Iraq reconstruction 'has failed'

    The US-led force's $100bn effort to rebuild Iraq has failed amid bureaucratic quarrels, ignorance of Iraqi society and violence in the country, the New York Times says, quoting a US federal report. The newspaper said on its website on Saturday that it had obtained a draft copy of Hard Lessons: The Iraq Reconstruction Experience, which is circulating.. More

  • Obama to offer Israel "nuclear umbrella"

    President-elect Barack Obama plans to offer Israel a strategic pact designed to fend off any nuclear attack on the Jewish state by Iran, an Israeli newspaper reported on Thursday. Quoting an unnamed American source close to Obama, Haaretz daily said Obama's administration would pledge under the proposed "nuclear umbrella" to respond to.. More

  • Hate crimes against US Arabs still more common

    Hate crimes against Arab Americans have decreased steadily since the Sept. 11 attacks but are still more common than they were before the hijackings, a civil rights group said on Thursday. The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee said it received an average of 120 to 130 reports of ethnically motivated attacks or threats each year between.. More

  • Half of Afghan prisoners have not faced trial: UN

    More Afghans are being detained without trial, with poor people or those without powerful connections, the most common victims, unable to pay bribes to secure their release, the United Nations said on Monday. Afghanistan is emerging from nearly 30 years of war and its judicial and law enforcement systems are still very much in their infancy. Corruption.. More

  • Gaza life runs backwards as Israel siege bites deeper

    Gaza Strip residents are going back to the days of kerosene stoves and firewood-gathering as Israel's blockade of foreign aid supplies of fuel and food bites much deeper. Bakeries in the territory are now using low-quality grain or animal feed to produce bread. Israel closed border crossings to Gaza although it has to lift siege according to the.. More

  • Israel report: Make deal with Syria, prevent Hamas re-victory

    Israel should pursue "talks with Syria next year in return of concessions to weaken Iran and Hamas in the region", an internal Israeli government report says. Compiled by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's National Security Council (NSC) and published in part by an Israeli newspaper on Sunday, the report argues for paying the "heavy price".. More

  • Iraqis want walls torn down

    As the Iraqi parliament continues to debate the US-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (Sofa), residents of Baghdad are urging the government to tear down the walls which separate their neighborhoods. Iraqis say the walls were designed to consolidate sectarianism and establish a number of cantons; now that security has improved, they say, there is no reason.. More